Set_Item_Property is used to change an object's settings at run time. Note that in some cases you can get but not set certain object properties.

The following are Syntax of Set_Item_property command:

(item_id ITEM,
property NUMBER,
value VARCHAR2);

(item_name VARCHAR2,
property NUMBER,
value VARCHAR2);

(item_id ITEM,
property NUMBER,

(item_name VARCHAR2,
property NUMBER,

(item_id ITEM,
property NUMBER,

(item_name VARCHAR2,
property NUMBER,

Built-in Type unrestricted procedure

Where item_id is the unique ID that Oracle Forms assigned to the object when it created it. Use the FIND_ITEM Built-in to return the ID to a variable with datatype of ITEM.

Where item_name is the name you gave the item when you created it. Datatype is VARCHAR2.

You can find the examples of Set_Item_Property command through the following links:

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