

优化用户经验——Optimize the customer experience

响应式设计是可适应设计(adaptive design)和可调整系统(adaptive systems)的子领域,用于处理基于用户内容(user's context)的用户经验(customer experience)的优化。在我看来,响应式设计并不是网页设计的新方法,响应式设计更像是一种现代的设计逻辑,是为了涵盖现在发展神速而出现多种多样的屏幕和尺寸的敏捷设计。


在响应式设计中,我们考虑的是根据屏幕宽度或屏幕内容来改变页面布局。但上下文(context)的影响因素非常复杂,如geolocation、网速和横板显示还是竖版显示(orientation of device)。



web的利益相关者(stakeholder)有两类: 用户(user)和Business(或网站拥有者),用户代表目标和达到目标所需的一系列任务, Business提供服务和产品。


为了表示两类利益相关者之间的关系,我们提出了PEC(Proposition Experience Context)模型。

The PEC model from the media perspective

The PEC model from a context perspective

The PEC model from a concept perspective

 用户视角--User Perspective


But the user also must be triggered to actually make use of our medium in order to purchase a product or service. By applying modern neuromarketing and persuasive design , we can respond more on the psyche of the user. The context component gives us an additional mechanism to adapt the user interaction and presentation of content to suit the specific situation of the user.

基于上下文的媒体——context-sensitive medium

根据上面提出的理论和案例可以看出,传统的商务-用户(business-user)关系模型和PEC模型的不同主要体现在上下文层(context layer),该层可以是用户的处境信息、也可以是用户的设备和浏览器信息。


Characteristics of the device context can be: is this a tablet, a smartphone, a more 'normal' phone, game console or device that is integrated in the car? A practical example of customizing the service proposition to the context is that of a desktop chat functionality as a means of contacting. When someone uses a mobile device, then a chat function may be less useful. In that situation or that context, a 'call me back button' could be offered. For visitors using a TV it could be more convenient to offer a video chat, because these users could have no QWERTY keyboard.

基于上下文的过滤——Filter based on the context profile


Each layer can be used for filtering content based on the contextual profile. When these first steps  in constructing a using context profiles are made, a next move could be to investigate whether it is possible to enrich the context profiles with visitor or customer information that is already available in your back-office system.

When creating a responsive concept do not think of or design for pages, but start designing  components and assemblies of components. This will ease the translation to technology, and ensures that you remain agile in regard to future channels and devices.

A look into the future

With the advent of social intelligence, big data and the growing mobility of our customers we will increasingly be able to know about the context of our visitors. In addition to the device-related context and the client context that we have in our systems are, more and more will be clear about the actual or realtime context of a visitor.

This context actually changes a lot during the day. In the morning your visitor is an athlete during  his daily fitness while he is a businessman when reading the first news after rising. Then he suddenly is a cook who prepares breakfast. Then again a businessman, a friend, a coach and so on.  When we know this kind of realtime contextual information it is possible to create personalized and relevant propositions and approach the user within the right context. The domain of contextual marketing is all about giving this an interpretation.

Means to achieve your responsive goal

Despite all the attention for content and technique within the responsive design scene , these are only means to achieve our responsive goal. By focusing on the two main stakeholders, the customer and the business, it can become a lot clearer what the coherence is within the field  of responsive design. This makes it easier to make a meaningful implementation to responsive design.

Biggest challenge is on the business side

Break down responsive cases, think in components, use the PEC framework as a reference and remain agile to quickly respond to future developments. With the expansion of the contextual information in the future, we will increasingly be able to create personalized and relevant propositions. The biggest challenge and opportunity of responsive design are perhaps on the business side.



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