Why automate?为什么要自动化?
The need for speed is practically the mantra of the information age. Because technology is now being used as a competitive weapon on the front lines of customer interaction, delivery schedules are subject to market pressures. Late products can lose revenue, customers, and market share. But economic pressures also demand resource and cost reductions as well, leading many companies to adopt automation to reduce time to market as well as cut testing budgets.
While it might be costly to be late to the market, it can be catastrophic to deliver a defective product. Software failures can cost millions or even billions,and in some cases entire companies have been lost. So if you don’t have enough people or time to perform adequate testing to begin with, adding automation will not reduce software instability and errors. Since it is well-documented that software errors – even a single one – can cost millions more than your entire testing budget, the first priority should be first to deliver reliable software. Once that is achieved, then focus on optimizing the time and costs. In other words, if your software doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast or cheap you deliver it.
虽然这可能是后期市场成本高昂,这是灾难性的提供一个有缺陷的产品。软件故障可以花费数百万甚至数十亿,在某些情况下,整个企业已经破产。所以,如果你没有足够的人或时间来进行充分的测试,引入自动化不会降低软件的不稳定性和误差。事实已经证明软件缺陷——即使只有一个缺陷—— 可能花费数百万比你的整个测试的预算多,首要任务应是第一个提供可靠的软件。一旦实现,然后重点优化的时间和成本。换句话说,不管软件交付如何快速和廉价,你的软件却不起任何作用。
Automated delivers software tests provide three key benefits: cumulative coverage to detect errors and reduce the cost of failure, repeatability to save time and reduce the cost to market, and leverage to improve resource productivity.
But realize that the test cycle will be tight to begin with, so don’t count on automation to shorten it - count on it to help you meet the deadline with a reliable product. By increasing your coverage and thus reducing the probability of failure, automation can help to avoid the costs of support and rework, as well as potentially devastating costs.
Cumulative coverage
It is a fact that applications change and gain complexity over their useful life. As depicted in the figure below, the feature set of an application grows steadily over time. Therefore, the number of tests that are needed for adequate coverage is also constantly increasing.
Just a 10% code change still requires that 100% of the features be tested. That is why manual testing can’t keep up – unless you constantly increase test resources and cycle time, your test coverage will constantly decline. Automation can help this by allowing you to accumulate your test cases over the life of the application so that both existing and new features can always be tested.
Ironically, when test time is short, testers will often sacrifice regression testing in favor of testing new features. The irony is that the greatest risk to the user is in the existing features, not the new ones! If something the customer is already doing stops working – or worse, starts doing the wrong thing – then you could halt operations.The loss of a new feature may be inconvenient or even embarrassing, but it is unlikely to be devastating.
But this benefit will be lost if the automated tests are not designed to be maintainable as the application changes. If they either have to be rewritten or require significant modifications to be reused, you will keep starting over instead of building on prior efforts. Therefore, it is essential to adopt an approach to test library design that supports maintainability over the life of the application.
True leverage from automated tests comes not only from repeating a test that was captured while performed manually, but from executing tests that were never performed manually at all. For example, by generating test cases programmatically, you could yield thousands or more - when only hundreds might be possible with manual resources.Enjoying this benefit requires the proper test case and script design to allow you to take advantage of external data files and other constructs.
Faster time to market
Because software has become a competitive weapon, time to market may be one of the key drivers for a project. In some cases, time is worth more than money, especially if it means releasing a new product or service that generates revenue.
Automation can help reduce time to market by allowing test execution to happen 24X7. Once the test library is automated, execution is faster and run longer than manual testing. Of course, this benefit is only available once your tests are automated.
Reduced cost of failure
Software is used for high risk, mission critical applications that represent revenue and productivity. A single failure could cost more than the entire testing budget for the next century! In one case a single bug resulted in costs of almost $2 billion. The national department of standards and technology estimates the cost of correcting defects at $59.5 billion a year, and USA Today claims a $100 billion annual cost to the US economy.
Automation can reduce the cost of failure by allowing increased coverage so that errors are uncovered before they have a chance to do real damage in production.
Notice what was NOT listed as a benefit: reduced testing resources. The sad fact is that most test teams are understaffed already, and it makes no sense to try to reduce an already slim team.Instead, focus on getting a good job done with the time and resources you have. In this Handbook we will present practical advice on how to realize these benefits while keeping your expectations realistic and your management committed.
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