尚未完整测试,务必留意模板 bug!

/* Clearink */

#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> namespace PCG { const double PI = acos ( -1. ), EPS = 1e-9, INF = 2e9;
/* treat x as 0 <=> -EPS < x < EPS */ inline double dabs ( const double x ) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }
inline double dmin ( const double a, const double b ) { return a < b ? a : b; }
inline double dmax ( const double a, const double b ) { return b < a ? a : b; }
inline int dcmp ( const double x, const double y = 0 ) {
return dabs ( x - y ) < EPS ? 0 : x < y ? -1 : 1;
} struct Point {
double x, y;
inline Point ( const double tx = 0, const double ty = 0 ):
x ( tx ), y ( ty ) {}
inline Point operator + ( const Point& p ) const {
return Point ( x + p.x, y + p.y );
inline Point operator - ( const Point& p ) const {
return Point ( x - p.x, y - p.y );
inline Point operator - () const {
return Point ( -x, -y );
inline Point operator * ( const double v ) const {
return Point ( x * v, y * v );
inline Point operator / ( const double v ) const {
return Point ( x / v, y / v );
inline double operator * ( const Point& p ) const { // dot.
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
inline double operator ^ ( const Point& p ) const { // cross.
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
inline bool operator == ( const Point& p ) const {
return !dcmp ( x, p.x ) && !dcmp ( y, p.y );
inline bool operator != ( const Point& p ) const {
return !( *this == p );
inline bool operator < ( const Point& p ) const { // as a pair (x,y).
return dcmp ( x, p.x ) ? x < p.x : y < p.y;
inline double length () const { return sqrt ( *this * *this ); }
inline Point unit () const { return *this / this->length (); }
inline Point normal () const { return Point ( y, -x ); }
inline double angle () const { // [0,2pi).
double t = atan2 ( y, x );
return t < 0 ? t + 2 * PI : t;
inline Point rotate ( const double alpha ) const {
double c = cos ( alpha ), s = sin ( alpha );
return Point ( x * c - y * s, y * c + x * s );
friend inline double angle ( const Point& p, const Point& q ) { // [0,pi).
double t = atan2 ( p ^ q, p * q );
t < 0 && ( t += 2 * PI, 0 );
return t < PI ? t : 2 * PI - t;
friend inline double dist ( const Point& p, const Point& q ) {
return ( p - q ).length ();
friend inline double slope ( const Point& p, const Point& q ) {
return dcmp ( p.x, q.x ) ?
( p.y - q.y ) / ( p.x - q.x ) : p.y < q.y ? INF : -INF;
inline void read () { scanf ( "%lf %lf", &x, &y ); }
inline void _show ( const char ch = '\n' ) const {
#ifdef RYBY
printf ( "(%f, %f)%c", x, y, ch );
typedef Point Vector; struct Line {
Point p, v;
inline Line (): p (), v () {}
inline Line ( Point a, Point b, const bool type = false ):
p ( a ), v ( type ? b - a : b ) {}
inline Line ( const double a, const double b, const double c ):
p ( dcmp ( a ) ? Point ( -c / a, 0 ) : Point ( 0, -c / b ) ),
v ( -b, a ) {}
inline Point A () const { return p; }
inline Point B () const { return p + v; }
inline bool operator < ( const Line& l ) const {
return dcmp ( atan2 ( v.y, v.x ), atan2 ( l.v.y, l.v.x ) ) < 0;
inline bool onLeft ( const Point& q ) const {
return dcmp ( v ^ ( q - p ) ) > 0;
inline bool onLine ( const Point& q ) const {
return !dcmp ( ( q - p ) ^ v );
inline bool onRay ( const Point& q ) const {
return onLine ( q ) && dcmp ( ( q - p ) * v ) >= 0;
inline bool onSegment ( const Point& q ) const {
if ( !onLine ( q ) ) return false;
return dcmp ( ( A () - q ) * ( B () - q ) ) <= 0;
friend inline bool sameSide ( const Line& l,
const Point& p, const Point& q ) {
return dcmp ( ( ( p - l.p ) ^ ( p - l.B () ) )
* ( ( q - l.p ) ^ ( q - l.B () ) ) ) > 0;
friend inline bool interSegment ( const Line& l1, const Line& l2 ) {
return ( !sameSide ( l1, l2.p, l2.B () ) )
&& ( !sameSide ( l2, l1.p, l1.B () ) );
friend inline bool interRay ( const Line& l1, const Line& l2 ) {
return dcmp ( ( ( l2.p - l1.p ) ^ l2.v ) / ( l1.v ^ l2.v ) ) > 0
&& dcmp ( ( ( l1.p - l2.p ) ^ l1.v ) / ( l2.v ^ l1.v ) ) > 0;
friend inline Point lineInter ( const Line& l1, const Line& l2 ) {
return l1.p + l1.v * ( ( l2.p - l1.p ) ^ l2.v ) / ( l1.v ^ l2.v );
}; inline std::vector<Point> getConvex ( std::vector<Point> vec,
const bool allowCol ) {
static std::vector<Point> ret;
ret.resize ( vec.size () << 1 );
std::sort ( vec.begin (), vec.end () );
int n = ( int ) vec.size (), top = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
for ( int d; top > 1; --top ) {
d = dcmp ( ( ret[top - 1] - ret[top - 2] )
^ ( vec[i] - ret[top - 2] ) );
if ( !( ( !allowCol && d <= 0 ) || ( allowCol && d < 0 ) ) ) break;
ret[top++] = vec[i];
for ( int tmp = top, i = n - 2; ~i; --i ) {
for ( int d; top > tmp; --top ) {
d = dcmp ( ( ret[top - 1] - ret[top - 2] )
^ ( vec[i] - ret[top - 2] ) );
if ( !( ( !allowCol && d <= 0 ) || ( allowCol && d < 0 ) ) ) break;
ret[top++] = vec[i];
if ( n > 1 ) --top;
return ret.resize ( top ), ret;
} inline bool poleCmp ( const Point& p, const Point& q ) {
static int t;
return ( t = dcmp ( p ^ q ) ) > 0
|| ( !t && dcmp ( p.length (), q.length () ) < 0 );
} inline Point polyCentroid ( const std::vector<Point>& poly ) {
double area = 0; Point ret;
int n = ( int ) poly.size ();
for ( int i = 0; i ^ poly.size (); ++i ) {
double s = poly[i] ^ poly[( i + 1 ) % n];
area += s;
ret.x += ( poly[i].x + poly[( i + 1 ) % n].x ) * s;
ret.y += ( poly[i].y + poly[( i + 1 ) % n].y ) * s;
ret.x /= 3, ret.y /= 3; // triangle's centroid.
ret.x /= area, ret.y /= area; // average.
return ret;
} inline double polyArea ( const std::vector<Point>& poly ) {
double ret = 0; int n = ( int ) poly.size ();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
ret += poly[i] ^ poly[( i + 1 ) % n];
return dabs ( ret / 2 );
} inline std::vector<Point> halfPlaneInter ( std::vector<Line> lvec ) {
static std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > ord;
static std::deque<Line> que; que.clear ();
static std::deque<Point> ret; ret.clear ();
lvec.push_back ( Line ( Point ( -INF, -INF ), Point ( 1, 0 ) ) );
lvec.push_back ( Line ( Point ( -INF, INF ), Point ( 0, -1 ) ) );
lvec.push_back ( Line ( Point ( INF, -INF ), Point ( 0, 1 ) ) );
lvec.push_back ( Line ( Point ( INF, INF ), Point ( -1, 0 ) ) );
int n = ( int ) lvec.size (); ord.resize ( n );
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
ord[i].first = atan2 ( lvec[i].v.y, lvec[i].v.x );
ord[i].second = i;
std::sort ( ord.begin (), ord.end () );
que.push_back ( lvec[ord[0].second] );
for ( int i = 1; i < n; ++i ) {
const Line& l ( lvec[ord[i].second] );
for ( ; que.size () > 1 && !l.onLeft ( ret.back () );
que.pop_back (), ret.pop_back () );
for ( ; que.size () > 1 && !l.onLeft ( ret[0] );
que.pop_front (), ret.pop_front () );
if ( dcmp ( l.v ^ que.back ().v ) ) {
que.push_back ( l );
if ( que.size () > 1 ) {
ret.push_back (
lineInter ( que[que.size () - 2], que.back () ) );
} else if ( que.back ().onLeft ( l.p ) ) {
que.back () = l;
if ( que.size () > 1 ) {
ret.back () = lineInter ( que[que.size () - 2], que.back () );
for ( ; que.size () > 1 && !que[0].onLeft ( ret.back () );
que.pop_back (), ret.pop_back () );
if ( que.size () <= 2 ) return {};
if ( que.size () > 1 ) ret.push_back ( lineInter ( que[0], que.back () ) );
return std::vector<Point> ( ret.begin (), ret.end () );
} inline double convexDiameter ( const std::vector<Point>& conv ) {
int n = ( int ) conv.size ();
if ( n == 1 ) return 0;
if ( n == 2 ) return dist ( conv[0], conv[1] );
double ret = 0;
for ( int i = 0, j = 2; i < n; ++i ) {
for ( ; dabs ( ( conv[j] - conv[i] )
^ ( conv[( i + 1 ) % n] - conv[i] ) )
< dabs ( ( conv[( j + 1 ) % n] - conv[i] )
^ ( conv[( i + 1 ) % n] - conv[i] ) ); j = ( j + 1 ) % n );
ret = dmax ( ret, dmax ( dist ( conv[i], conv[j] ),
dist ( conv[( i + 1 ) % n], conv[j] ) ) );
return ret;
} inline int findPole ( const std::vector<Point>& vec ) {
int ret = -1, n = ( int ) vec.size ();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
if ( !~ret || dcmp ( vec[ret].y, vec[i].y ) > 0
|| ( !dcmp ( vec[ret].y, vec[i].y )
&& dcmp ( vec[ret].x, vec[i].x ) > 0 ) ) {
ret = i;
return ret;
} inline void getPoleOrdered ( std::vector<Point>& conv ) {
int pid = findPole ( conv ), n = ( int ) conv.size ();
pid = n - pid - 1; // reversed.
std::reverse ( conv.begin (), conv.end () );
std::reverse ( conv.begin (), conv.begin () + pid + 1 );
std::reverse ( conv.begin () + pid + 1, conv.end () );
} inline std::vector<Point> convexSum ( std::vector<Point> A,
std::vector<Point> B ) {
static std::vector<Point> ret; ret.clear ();
getPoleOrdered ( A ), getPoleOrdered ( B );
// if use `getConvexG`, there's no need to `getPoleOrdered`.
int n = ( int ) A.size (), m = ( int ) B.size ();
Point ap ( A[0] ), bp ( B[0] );
ret.push_back ( ap + bp );
for ( int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i ) A[i] = A[i + 1] - A[i];
A[n - 1] = ap - A[n - 1];
for ( int i = 0; i < m - 1; ++i ) B[i] = B[i + 1] - B[i];
B[m - 1] = bp - B[m - 1];
int i = 0, j = 0;
while ( i < n && j < m ) {
ret.push_back ( ret.back ()
+ ( dcmp ( A[i] ^ B[j] ) >= 0 ? A[i++] : B[j++] ) );
for ( ; i < n; ret.push_back ( ret.back () + A[i++] ) );
for ( ; j < m; ret.push_back ( ret.back () + B[j++] ) );
return ret;
} } using namespace PCG; int n;
std::vector<Point> pos, cnv; int main () {
example: https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P2742
scanf ( "%d", &n ), pos.resize ( n );
for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) pos[i].readn ();
cnv = getConvex ( pos, true ); // also, it could be `getConvex ( pos, false )`.
#ifdef RYBY
for ( auto p: cnv ) p._show ( ' ' );
putchar ( '\n' );
int s = cnv.size ();
double ans = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < s; ++i ) {
ans += dist ( cnv[i], cnv[( i + 1 ) % s] );
printf ( "%.2f\n", ans );
return 0;
} /*
try this data:
0 0
0 3
1 2
2 1
3 0



// #include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> #define rep(i, l, r) for (int i = l, rep##i = r; i <= rep##i; ++i)
#define per(i, r, l) for (int i = r, per##i = l; i >= per##i; --i) namespace ComputingGeometry { const double EPS = 1e-9, PI = acos(-1.), DINF = 1e18; template <typename Tp>
inline void chkmin(Tp& u, const Tp& v) { v < u && (u = v, 0); }
template <typename Tp>
inline void chkmax(Tp& u, const Tp& v) { u < v && (u = v, 0); }
template <typename Tp>
inline Tp imin(const Tp& u, const Tp& v) { return u < v ? u : v; }
template <typename Tp>
inline Tp imax(const Tp& u, const Tp& v) { return u < v ? v : u; }
template <typename Tp>
inline Tp iabs(const Tp& u) { return u < 0 ? -u : u; }
inline int sign(const double x) { return iabs(x) <= EPS ? 0 : x < 0 ? -1 : 1; } struct Point {
double x, y;
Point(): x(0.), y(0.) {}
Point(const double u, const double v): x(u), y(v) {} inline void read() { scanf("%lf %lf", &x, &y); } inline Point operator + (const Point& p) const {
return { x + p.x, y + p.y };
inline Point operator - () const { return { -x, -y }; }
inline Point operator - (const Point& p) const {
return { x - p.x, y - p.y };
inline Point operator * (const double k) const {
return { k * x, k * y };
inline Point operator / (const double k) const {
return { x / k, y / k };
inline bool operator == (const Point& p) const {
return !sign(x - p.x) && !sign(y - p.y);
inline bool operator != (const Point& p) const {
return !(*this == p);
inline double operator * (const Point& p) const {
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
inline double operator ^ (const Point& p) const {
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
} inline double leng() const { return sqrt(*this * *this); }
friend inline double dist(const Point& u, const Point& v) {
return (u - v).leng();
inline Point norm() const { return { -y, x }; }
inline double angle() const {
double ret = atan2(y, x);
if (ret < 0) ret += 2 * PI;
return ret;
friend inline double angle(const Point& u, const Point& v) {
double ret = v.angle() - u.angle();
if (ret > PI) ret -= 2 * PI;
if (ret < -PI) ret += 2 * PI;
return ret;
inline Point rotate(const double alp) const {
double ca = cos(alp), sa = sin(alp);
return { x * ca - y * sa, x * sa + y * ca };
inline bool operator < (const Point& p) const {
return !sign(x - p.x) ? y < p.y : x < p.x;
typedef Point Vector;
typedef std::vector<Point> Polygon;
typedef Polygon Convex; struct Ray {
Point p, v;
Ray() {}
Ray(const Point& a, const Point& b, const bool type = true) {
if (type) p = a, v = b - a;
else p = a, v = b;
Ray(const double a, const double b, const double c):
p(sign(a) ? Point(-c / a, 0) : Point(0, -c / b)), v(-b, a) {} inline Point st() const { return p; }
inline Point ed() const { return p + v; }
inline void readSeg() {
scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &p.x, &p.y, &v.x, &v.y);
v = v - p;
friend inline bool isInterSeg(const Ray& a, const Ray& b) { // *
return imin(a.st().x, a.ed().x) <= imax(b.st().x, b.ed().x)
&& imax(a.st().x, a.ed().x) <= imin(b.st().x, b.ed().x)
&& imin(a.st().y, a.ed().y) <= imax(b.st().y, b.ed().y)
&& imax(a.st().y, a.ed().y) <= imin(b.st().y, b.ed().y)
&& sign(a.v ^ (b.st() - a.st())) * sign(a.v ^ (b.ed() - a.st())) <=0
&& sign(b.v ^ (a.st() - b.st())) * sign(b.v ^ (a.ed() - b.st())) <=0;
friend inline Point lineInter(const Ray& a, const Ray& b) {
return a.p + a.v * ((b.p - a.p) ^ b.v) / (a.v ^ b.v);
friend inline double pSegDist(const Point& p, const Ray& s) {
if (sign(s.v * (p - s.p)) < 0) return dist(p, s.p);
if (sign(-s.v * (p - s.ed())) < 0) return dist(p, s.ed());
return iabs(s.v ^ (p - s.p)) / s.v.leng();
friend inline double sSegDist(const Ray& s, const Ray& t) {
return imin(imin(pSegDist(s.st(), t), pSegDist(s.ed(), t)),
imin(pSegDist(t.st(), s), pSegDist(t.ed(), s)));
typedef Ray Line;
typedef Ray Segment;
typedef std::vector<Line> PlaneCut; inline Convex getConvex(Polygon P, const bool allw = false) {
int n = int(P.size()), top = 0, tmp; Convex ret(n << 1);
std::sort(P.begin(), P.end());
for (Point& p: P) {
for (int s; top > 1; --top) {
s = sign((ret[top - 1] - ret[top - 2]) ^ (p - ret[top - 2]));
if (s - !allw >= 0) break;
ret[top++] = p;
std::reverse(P.begin(), P.end()), tmp = top;
for (Point& p: P) {
for (int s; top > tmp; --top) {
s = sign((ret[top - 1] - ret[top - 2]) ^ (p - ret[top - 2]));
if (s - !allw >= 0) break;
ret[top++] = p;
if (n > 1) --top;
return ret.resize(top), ret;
} inline double getArea(const Polygon& P) {
double ret = 0.; int n = int(P.size());
rep (i, 0, n - 1) ret += P[i] ^ P[(i + 1) % n];
return iabs(ret) * 0.5;
} inline std::pair<Point, Point> convexDiameter(const Convex& C) {
int n = int(C.size());
if (n == 1) return { C[0], C[0] };
if (n == 2) return { C[0], C[1] };
double dia = 0.; std::pair<Point, Point> ans;
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < n; ++i) {
while (((C[(i + 1) % n] - C[i]) ^ (C[j] - C[i]))
< ((C[(i + 1) % n] - C[i]) ^ (C[(j + 1) % n] - C[i])))
j = (j + 1) % n;
double d1 = dist(C[i], C[j]), d2 = dist(C[(i + 1) % n], C[j]);
if (d1 > dia) dia = d1, ans = { C[i], C[j] };
if (d2 > dia) dia = d2, ans = { C[(i + 1) % n], C[j] };
return ans;
} inline double convicesDist(const Convex& A, const Convex& B) {
int n = int(A.size()), m = int(B.size()), p = 0, q = 0;
rep (i, 1, n - 1) if (A[i].y < A[p].y) p = i;
rep (i, 1, m - 1) if (B[i].y > B[q].y) q = i;
double ret = 1e100;
rep (i, 0, n - 1) {
while (sign((A[(p + 1) % n] - A[p]) ^ (B[(q + 1) % m] - B[q])) > 0)
q = (q + 1) % m;
chkmin(ret, sSegDist(Ray(A[p], A[(p + 1) % n]),
Ray(B[q], B[(q + 1) % m])));
p = (p + 1) % n;
return ret;
} inline Convex halfPlaneInter(PlaneCut& vec, const bool apd = false) {
if (apd) {
vec.push_back(Ray(Point(-DINF, -DINF), Point(1, 0), 0));
vec.push_back(Ray(Point(DINF, -DINF), Point(0, 1), 0));
vec.push_back(Ray(Point(DINF, DINF), Point(-1, 0), 0));
vec.push_back(Ray(Point(-DINF, DINF), Point(0, -1), 0));
} int n = int(vec.size());
std::vector<double> pol(n); std::vector<int> ord(n);
rep (i, 0, n - 1) ord[i] = i, pol[i] = atan2(vec[i].v.y, vec[i].v.x);
std::sort(ord.begin(), ord.end(),
[&](const int u, const int v)->bool {
return sign(pol[u] - pol[v]) ? pol[u] < pol[v]
: (vec[v].v ^ (vec[u].p - vec[v].p)) > 0;
std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(ord[0]);
rep (i, 1, n - 1) {
if (sign(pol[ord[i]] - pol[ord[i - 1]])) {
ord.swap(tmp), n = ord.size(); std::deque<Line> deq;
deq.push_back(vec[ord[0]]), deq.push_back(vec[ord[1]]);
std::deque<Point> pnt;
pnt.push_back(lineInter(deq.front(), deq.back()));
rep (i, 2, n - 1) {
Line& l(vec[ord[i]]);
while (deq.size() > 1 && sign(l.v ^ (pnt.back() - l.p)) <= 0)
deq.pop_back(), pnt.pop_back();
while (deq.size() > 1 && sign(l.v ^ (pnt.front() - l.p)) <= 0)
deq.pop_front(), pnt.pop_front();
pnt.push_back(lineInter(deq.back(), l));
while (deq.size() > 1
&& sign(deq.front().v ^ (pnt.back() - deq.front().p)) < 0)
deq.pop_back(), pnt.pop_back();
while (deq.size() > 1
&& sign(deq.back().v ^ (pnt.front() - deq.back().p)) < 0)
deq.pop_front(), pnt.pop_front(); if (apd) rep (i, 0, 3) vec.pop_back();
if (deq.size() <= 2) return Convex(); pnt.push_back(lineInter(deq.front(), deq.back()));
while (pnt.size() > 1 && pnt.front() == pnt.back()) pnt.pop_back();
std::vector<Point> ret; ret.push_back(pnt[0]);
rep (i, 1, int(pnt.size()) - 1) {
if (pnt[i] != pnt[i - 1]) {
return ret;
} } using namespace ComputingGeometry; int main() {
int n; scanf("%d", &n);
PlaneCut L;
while (n--) {
int m; scanf("%d", &m); Polygon P(m);
for (auto& p: P) p.read();
rep (i, 0, m - 1) L.push_back(Ray(P[i], P[(i + 1) % m]));
printf("%.3f\n", getArea(halfPlaneInter(L)));
return 0;

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  6. Note -「模拟退火」

    随机化算法属于省选芝士体系 0x01 前置芝士 你只需要会 rand 就可以啦! 当然如果你想理解的更透彻也可以先看看 爬山算法 0x02 关于退火 退火是一种金属热处理工艺,指的是将金属缓慢加热到一 ...

  7. 「luogu3380」【模板】二逼平衡树(树套树)

    「luogu3380」[模板]二逼平衡树(树套树) 传送门 我写的树套树--线段树套平衡树. 线段树上的每一个节点都是一棵 \(\text{FHQ Treap}\) ,然后我们就可以根据平衡树的基本操 ...

  8. 「luogu3402」【模板】可持久化并查集

    「luogu3402」[模板]可持久化并查集 传送门 我们可以用一个可持久化数组来存每个节点的父亲. 单点信息更新和查询就用主席树多花 一个 \(\log\) 的代价来搞. 然后考虑如何合并两个点. ...

  9. SpringBoot图文教程10—模板导出|百万数据Excel导出|图片导出「easypoi」

    有天上飞的概念,就要有落地的实现 概念十遍不如代码一遍,朋友,希望你把文中所有的代码案例都敲一遍 先赞后看,养成习惯 SpringBoot 图文教程系列文章目录 SpringBoot图文教程1「概念+ ...


  1. LG1290 欧几里德的游戏

    https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P1290 博弈论游戏,用到mod. 辗转相除法的过程,会构成n种状态. 到达最后一个状态就赢了. 对于一次过程如果div>1那 ...

  2. 函数实现将 DataFrame 数据直接划分为测试集训练集

     虽然 Scikit-Learn 有可以划分数据集的函数 train_test_split ,但在有些特殊情况我们只希望它将 DataFrame 数据直接划分为 train, test 而不是像 tr ...

  3. HashMap原理及源码分析

    HashMap 原理及源码分析 1. 存储结构 HashMap 内部是由 Node 类型的数组实现的.Node 包含着键值对,内部有四个字段,从 next 字段我们可以看出,Node 是一个链表.即数 ...

  4. Springboot集成邮箱服务发送邮件

    一.前言 Spring Email 抽象的核心是 MailSender 接口,MailSender 的实现能够把 Email 发送给邮件服务器,由邮件服务器实现邮件发送的功能. Spring 自带了一 ...

  5. day 13 函数指针类型

    (1).有以下程序: 则正确的选项是[B] (A).7 4 (B).4 10 (C).8 8 (D)10 10 分析:主要考求字符串的长度,strlen是专门求字符串长度的函数,但不包含'\0'在内. ...

  6. 链式printf()函数的用法

    printf()函数:十进制格式型输出函数. #include <stdio.h> int printf( const char *format, ... ); 1.首先printf的返回 ...

  7. 《剑指offer》面试题58 - II. 左旋转字符串

    问题描述 字符串的左旋转操作是把字符串前面的若干个字符转移到字符串的尾部.请定义一个函数实现字符串左旋转操作的功能.比如,输入字符串"abcdefg"和数字2,该函数将返回左旋转两 ...

  8. 《剑指offer》面试题67. 把字符串转换成整数

    问题描述 写一个函数 StrToInt,实现把字符串转换成整数这个功能.不能使用 atoi 或者其他类似的库函数.   首先,该函数会根据需要丢弃无用的开头空格字符,直到寻找到第一个非空格的字符为止. ...

  9. RT-Thread移植入门学习

    一.简介 RT-Thread 是一款主要由中国开源社区主导开发的开源实时操作系统(许可证GPLv2).实时线程操作系统不仅仅是一个单一的实时操作系统内核,它也是一个完整的应用系统,包含了实时.嵌入式系 ...

  10. Centos下安装Scala(2)

    1.下载压缩包 命令:wget https://downloads.lightbend.com/scala/2.11.8/scala-2.11.8.tgz 2.解压缩包 命令:tar -xzvf sc ...