这里向大家介绍一个新的生成T-SQL脚本的SQL Server命令行工具:mssql-scripter。它支持在SQL Server、Azure SQL DB以及Azure SQL DW中为数据库生成CREATE和INSERT T-SQL脚本。

Mssql-scripter是一个跨平台的命令行工具,功能等同于SQL Server Management Studio中的Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard

咱们能够在Linux、macOS和Windows上使用它生成数据定义语言(DDL-Data Definition Language)和数据操纵语言(DML – Data Manipulation Language),并且生成的T-SQL脚本可以运行在所有平台的SQL Server、Azure SQL Database、以及Azure SQL Data Warehouse中。


1.   Windows

a)       安装Python,最新安装包下载地址:https://www.python.org/downloads/,注意安装的时候要选择”Add Python to PATH”选项:

b)      安装mssql-scripter,命令行里执行下面命令:

pip install mssql-scripter

2.   Linux

a)      检查pip版本,是否是9.0及其以上:

pip –version

b)      如果pip未安装或者版本低于9.0,使用如下命令安装以及升级版本:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip

c)      安装mssql-scripter:

sudo pip install mssql-scripter


Ubuntu 14 & 17


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libunwind8

Debian 8(暂时没有环境,未测试)


deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libunwind8

3.   macOS(暂时没有环境,未测试)

a)       检查pip版本,是否是9.0及其以上:

pip –version

b)      如果pip未安装或者版本低于9.0,使用如下命令安装以及升级版本:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip

c)       安装mssql-scripter:

sudo pip install mssql-scripter

Usage Guide


mssql-scripter -h
usage: mssql-scripter [-h] [--connection-string | -S ] [-d] [-U] [-P] [-f]
[--data-only | --schema-and-data]
[--script-create | --script-drop | --script-drop-create]
[--target-server-version {,,2008R2,,,,vNext,AzureDB,AzureDW}]
[--target-server-edition {Standard,PersonalExpress,Enterprise,Stretch}]
[--include-objects [[...]]] [--exclude-objects [[...]]]
[--ansi-padding] [--append] [--check-for-existence] [-r]
[--convert-uddts] [--include-dependencies] [--headers]
[--constraint-names] [--unsupported-statements]
[--object-schema] [--bindings] [--collation]
[--defaults] [--extended-properties] [--logins]
[--object-permissions] [--owner] [--use-database]
[--statistics] [--change-tracking] [--check-constraints]
[--data-compressions] [--foreign-keys]
[--full-text-indexes] [--indexes] [--primary-keys]
[--triggers] [--unique-keys] [--display-progress]
[--enable-toolsservice-logging] [--version] Microsoft SQL Server Scripter Command Line Tool. Version 1.0.0a1 optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--connection-string Connection string of database to script. If connection
string and server are not supplied, defaults to value
in Environment Variable
-S , --server Server name.
-d , --database Database name.
-U , --user Login ID for server.
-P , --password Password.
-f , --file Output file name.
--data-only Generate scripts that contains data only.
--schema-and-data Generate scripts that contain schema and data.
--script-create Script object CREATE statements.
--script-drop Script object DROP statements
--script-drop-create Script object CREATE and DROP statements.
--target-server-version {,,2008R2,,,,vNext,AzureDB,AzureDW}
Script only features compatible with the specified SQL
--target-server-edition {Standard,PersonalExpress,Enterprise,Stretch}
Script only features compatible with the specified SQL
Server database edition.
--include-objects [ [ ...]]
Database objects to include in script.
--exclude-objects [ [ ...]]
Database objects to exclude from script.
--ansi-padding Generates ANSI Padding statements.
--append Append script to file.
Check for database object existence.
-r, --continue-on-error
Continue scripting on error.
--convert-uddts Convert user-defined data types to base types.
Generate script for the dependent objects for each
object scripted.
--headers Include descriptive headers for each object scripted.
--constraint-names Include system constraint names to enforce declarative
referential integrity.
Include statements in the script that are not
supported on the target SQL Server Version.
--object-schema Prefix object names with the object schema.
--bindings Script options to set binding options.
--collation Script the objects that use collation.
--defaults Script the default values.
Script the extended properties for each object
--logins Script all logins available on the server, passwords
will not be scripted.
--object-permissions Generate object-level permissions.
--owner Script owner for the objects.
--use-database Generate USE DATABASE statement.
--statistics Script all statistics.
--change-tracking Script the change tracking information.
--check-constraints Script the check constraints for each table or view
--data-compressions Script the data compression information.
--foreign-keys Script the foreign keys for each table scripted.
--full-text-indexes Script the full-text indexes for each table or indexed
view scripted.
--indexes Script the indexes (XML and clustered) for each table
or indexed view scripted.
--primary-keys Script the primary keys for each table or view
--triggers Script the triggers for each table or view scripted.
--unique-keys Script the unique keys for each table or view
--display-progress Display scripting progress.
Enable verbose logging.
--version show program's version number and exit


  • Dump database object schema
# generate DDL scripts for all objects in the Adventureworks database and save the script to a file
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa # alternatively, specify the schema only flag to generate DDL scripts for all objects in the Adventureworks database and save the script to a file
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --schema-only
  • Dump database object data
# generate DDL scripts for all objects in the Adventureworks database and save the script to a file
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --data-only
  • Dump the database object schema and data
# script the database schema and data to a file.
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --schema-and-data > ./adventureworks.sql # execute the generated above script with sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S mytestserver -U sa -i ./adventureworks.sql
  • Include database objects
# generate DDL scripts for objects that contain 'Employee' in their name to stdout
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --include-objects Employee
# generate DDL scripts for the dbo schema and pipe the output to a file
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --include-objects dbo. > ./dboschema.sql
  • Exclude database objects
# generate DDL scripts for objects that do not contain 'Sale' in their name to stdout
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --exclude-objects Sale
  • Target server version
# specify the version of SQL Server the script will be run against
mssql-scripter -S -U myUser -d AdventureWorks –target-server-version “SQL Azure DB” > myData.sql
  • Target server edition
# specify the edition of SQL Server the script will be run against
mssql-scripter -S -U myUser -d devDB –target-server-edition “SQL Server Enterprise Edition” > myData.sql
  • Pipe a generated script to sed


# change a schema name in the generated DDL script
# ) generate DDL scripts for all objects in the Adventureworks database
# ) pipe generated script to sed and change all occurrences of SalesLT to SalesLT_test and save the script to a file
mssql-scripter scripter -S localhost -d Adventureworks -U sa | sed -e "s/SalesLT./SalesLT_test./g" > adventureworks_SalesLT_test.sql
  • Script data to a file
# script all the data to a file.
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa --data-only > ./adventureworks-data.sql

更详细的Usage Guide或更新请参考:https://github.com/Microsoft/sql-xplat-cli/blob/dev/doc/usage_guide.md

下面执行一个命令看看效果,生成SharePoint Translation Service Database的CREATE语句:

mssql-scripter --server\ZEUS --database 'TranslationService_cd4699102b0745ba81ca0cf72d9ffe6e' --user sa --password '1qaz2wsxE' --file E:\CreateTranslationServiceDatabase.sql



# set environment variable MSSQL_SCRIPTER_CONNECTION_STRING with a connection string.
export MSSQL_SCRIPTER_CONNECTION_STRING='Server=myserver;Database=mydb;User Id=myuser;Password=mypassword;'
mssql-scripter # set environment variable MSSQL_SCRIPTER_PASSWORD so no password input is required.
mssql-scripter -S localhost -d AdventureWorks -U sa



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