



Get Image size WITHOUT loading image into memory



实现了 常用图片格式(png,jpeg,ico,bmp,gif) 不采用第三方解码库,解析得到图像宽高的函数get_image_size_without_decode_image。

bool get_image_size_without_decode_image(const char* file_path, int*width, int*height);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> 

unsigned long byteswap_ulong(unsigned long i)
    unsigned int j;
    j = (i << );
    j += (i << ) & 0x00FF0000;
    j += (i >> ) & 0x0000FF00;
    j += (i >> );
    return j;

inline int Abs(int x) {
    )) - (x >> );

unsigned short byteswap_ushort(unsigned short i)
    unsigned short j;
    j = (i << );
    j += (i >> );
    return j;

// Get Image size WITHOUT loading image into memory
// ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15800704/python-get-image-size-without-loading-image-into-memory/
// 博客: http://tntmonks.cnblogs.com/
// 邮箱: gaozhihan@vip.qq.com
bool get_image_size_without_decode_image(const char* file_path, int*width, int*height)
    bool has_image_size = false;
    *height = -;
    *width = -;
    FILE * fp = fopen(file_path, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return has_image_size;
    struct stat st;
        return has_image_size;
        file_size = st.st_size;
    , , fp) < )
        return has_image_size;
    char* png_signature = "\211PNG\r\n\032\n";
    unsigned ] = { 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R' };
    char* gif87_signature = "GIF87a";
    char* gif89_signature = "GIF89a";
    char* jpeg_signature = "\377\330";
    char* bmp_signature = "BM";
    ) && (memcmp(sigBuf, gif87_signature, strlen(gif87_signature)) ==  || memcmp(sigBuf, gif89_signature, strlen(gif89_signature)) == ))
        // image type: gif
        unsigned );
        *width = size_info[];
        *height = size_info[];
        has_image_size = true;
    ) && (memcmp(sigBuf, png_signature, strlen(png_signature)) ==  && memcmp(sigBuf + , ihdr_signature, strlen(ihdr_signature)) == ))
        // image type:   png
        unsigned );
        *width = byteswap_ulong(size_info[]);
        *height = byteswap_ulong(size_info[]);
        has_image_size = true;
    ) && (memcmp(sigBuf, png_signature, strlen(png_signature)) == ))
        // image type: old png
        unsigned );
        *width = byteswap_ulong(size_info[]);
        *height = byteswap_ulong(size_info[]);
        has_image_size = true;
    ) && (memcmp(sigBuf, jpeg_signature, strlen(jpeg_signature)) == ))
        // image type: jpeg
        fseek(fp, , SEEK_SET);
        fread(&sigBuf, , , fp);
        fread(&b, , , fp);
        while (b && ((unsigned char)b & 0xff) != 0xDA) {
            while (((unsigned char)b & 0xff) != 0xFF)
                fread(&b, , , fp);
            while (((unsigned char)b & 0xff) == 0xFF) {
                fread(&b, , , fp);
            if (((unsigned char)b & 0xff) >= 0xC0 && ((unsigned char)b & 0xff) <= 0xC3)
                fread(&sigBuf, , , fp);
                fread(&sigBuf, , , fp);
                unsigned short* size_info = (unsigned short*)(sigBuf);
                h = byteswap_ushort(size_info[]);
                w = byteswap_ushort(size_info[]);
                unsigned ;
                fread(&chunk_size, , , fp);
                , SEEK_CUR) != )
            fread(&b, , , fp);
         && h != -)
            *width = w;
            *height = h;
        has_image_size = true;
    ) && (memcmp(sigBuf, bmp_signature, strlen(bmp_signature)) == ))
        // image type: bmp
        unsigned ));
            unsigned );
            *width = size_info[];
            *height = size_info[];
            unsigned );
            *width = size_info[];
            *height = Abs((size_info[]));
        has_image_size = true;
        // image type: ico
        fseek(fp, , SEEK_SET);
        unsigned ;
        unsigned ;
        fread(&reserved, , , fp);
        fread(&format, , , fp);
         && format == )
            unsigned ;
            fread(&num, , , fp);
                printf("ico 包含多个图片");
                , h = ;
                fread(&w, , , fp);
                fread(&h, , , fp);
                *width = int((unsigned char)w & 0xff);
                *height = int((unsigned char)h & 0xff);
        has_image_size = true;
    if (fp != NULL)
    return has_image_size;


const char* file_path = "d:\\test.png";

int h, w;
get_image_size_without_decode_image(file_path , &w, &h);

传入图片的位置,输出对应的宽高,高和宽 为-1时,就是解析失败了。




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