Average Speed
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 4842   Accepted: 2168


You have bought a car in order to drive from Waterloo to a big city. The odometer on their car is broken, so you cannot measure distance. But the speedometer and cruise control both work, so the car can maintain a constant speed which can be adjusted from time to time in response to speed limits, traffic jams, and border queues. You have a stopwatch and note the elapsed time every time the speed changes. From time to time you wonder, "how far have I come?". To solve this problem you must write a program to run on your laptop computer in the passenger seat.


Standard input contains several lines of input: Each speed change is indicated by a line specifying the elapsed time since the beginning of the trip (hh:mm:ss), followed by the new speed in km/h. Each query is indicated by a line containing the elapsed time. At the outset of the trip the car is stationary. Elapsed times are given in non-decreasing order and there is at most one speed change at any given time.


For each query in standard input, you should print a line giving the time and the distance travelled, in the format below.

Sample Input

00:00:01 100
01:00:01 50
03:00:05 140

Sample Output

00:15:01 25.00 km
00:30:01 50.00 km
03:00:01 200.00 km


using namespace std;
double trans(string s){
return ((s[]-'')*+s[]-'')*+((s[]-'')*+s[]-'')*+(s[]-'')*+s[]-'';
int main(){
string s;
double nowspeed=,nowtime=,speed,time,havdrive=;
if(getchar()==' '){//速度更新,已行驶的路程更新,基准时间更新
printf(" %.2f km\n",havdrive+(time-nowtime)/*nowspeed);//写成printf(" %.2f km\n",havdrive+(time-nowtime)/3600*nowspeed)就错了!!
return ;

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