
在Redis中,如果设置的maxmemory,那就要配置key的回收机制参数maxmemory-policy,默认volatile-lru,参阅Redis作者的原博客:antirez weblog >> Redis as an LRU cache


Another way to use Redis as a cache is the maxmemory directive, a feature that allows specifying a maximum amount of memory to use. When new data is added to the server, and the memory limit was already reached, the server will remove some old data deleting a volatile key, that is, a key with an EXPIRE (a timeout) set, even if the key is still far from expiring automatically.


# MAXMEMORY POLICY: how Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory

# is reached? You can select among five behavior:
# volatile-lru -> remove the key with an expire set using an LRU algorithm
# allkeys-lru -> remove any key accordingly to the LRU algorithm
# volatile-random -> remove a random key with an expire set
# allkeys-random -> remove a random key, any key
# volatile-ttl -> remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)
# noeviction -> don’t expire at all, just return an error on write operations


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