webDriver API——第7部分Desired Capabilities
The Desired Capabilities implementation.
- class selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities.DesiredCapabilities
Bases: object
Set of default supported desired capabilities.
Use this as a starting point for creating a desired capabilities object for requesting remote webdrivers for connecting to selenium server or selenium grid.
Usage Example:
from selenium import webdriver
selenium_grid_url = ““
# Create a desired capabilities object as a starting point. capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy() capabilities[‘platform’] = “WINDOWS” capabilities[‘version’] = “10”
# Instantiate an instance of Remote WebDriver with the desired capabilities. driver = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=capabilities,
command_executor=selenium_grid_url)Note: Always use ‘.copy()’ on the DesiredCapabilities object to avoid the side effects of altering the Global class instance.
- ANDROID= {'platform': 'ANDROID', 'browserName': 'android', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- CHROME= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'chrome', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- FIREFOX= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'firefox', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- HTMLUNIT= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'htmlunit', 'version': ''}
- HTMLUNITWITHJS= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'htmlunit', 'version': 'firefox', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- INTERNETEXPLORER= {'platform': 'WINDOWS', 'browserName': 'internet explorer', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- IPAD= {'platform': 'MAC', 'browserName': 'iPad', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- IPHONE= {'platform': 'MAC', 'browserName': 'iPhone', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- OPERA= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'opera', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- PHANTOMJS= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'phantomjs', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
- SAFARI= {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'safari', 'version': '', 'javascriptEnabled': True}
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