HDU 3265/POJ 3832 Posters(扫描线+线段树)(2009 Asia Ningbo Regional)
However, Ted is such a picky guy that in every poster he finds something ugly. So before he pastes a poster on the window, he cuts a rectangular hole on that poster to remove the ugly part. Ted is also a careless guy so that some of the pasted posters may overlap when he pastes them on the window.
Ted wants to know the total area of the window covered by posters. Now it is your job to figure it out.
To make your job easier, we assume that the window is a rectangle located in a rectangular coordinate system. The window’s bottom-left corner is at position (0, 0) and top-right corner is at position (50000, 50000). The edges of the window, the edges of the posters and the edges of the holes on the posters are all parallel with the coordinate axes.
The input ends with a line of single zero.
代码(HDU 484MS/POJ 532MS):
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- typedef long long LL;
- const int MAXN = ;
- struct Line {
- int y, x_st, x_ed, flag;
- Line() {}
- Line(int y, int x_st, int x_ed, int flag):
- y(y), x_st(x_st), x_ed(x_ed), flag(flag) {}
- bool operator < (const Line &rhs) const {
- return y > rhs.y;
- }
- };
- Line a[MAXN * ];
- int tree[MAXN * ], sum[MAXN * ];
- LL ans;
- void update(int x, int l, int r, int tl, int tr, int t) {
- int lc = x << , rc = lc ^ ;
- if(tl <= l && r <= tr) {
- tree[x] += t;
- if(tree[x] > ) sum[x] = r - l;
- else if(r - l == ) sum[x] = ;
- else sum[x] = sum[lc] + sum[rc];
- }
- else {
- int mid = (l + r) >> ;
- if(tl < mid) update(lc, l, mid, tl, tr, t);
- if(tr > mid) update(rc, mid, r, tl, tr, t);
- if(tree[x] == ) sum[x] = sum[lc] + sum[rc];
- else sum[x] = r - l;
- }
- }
- void solve(int n) {
- sort(a, a + n);
- ans = ;
- for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
- if(i > ) ans += (a[i - ].y - a[i].y) * LL(sum[]);
- update(, , , a[i].x_st, a[i].x_ed, a[i].flag);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- int n, x[], y[];
- while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) {
- if(n == ) break;
- int cnt = ;
- for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
- for(int j = ; j <= ; ++j) scanf("%d%d", &x[j], &y[j]);
- if(x[] != x[]) {
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], );
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], -);
- }
- if(x[] != x[]) {
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], );
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], -);
- }
- if(y[] != y[]) {
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], );
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], -);
- }
- if(y[] != y[]) {
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], );
- a[cnt++] = Line(y[], x[], x[], -);
- }
- }
- solve(cnt);
- cout<<ans<<endl;
- }
- }
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