The very essence of romance is uncertainty.


If you want a happy life with enduring love, you must add some color to the ordinary life every now and then.

Have you ever thought if the veil of romance starts to lift, what is the life really like off the dance floor?

Maybe you have heard that a light life is also a kind of happiness, and love always returns to the daily life, the ordinary life.

That is not enough, and we can make love a little more durable and we can make life a little happier.

Try to spend some time and energy on thinking about doing more for your love, create some pleasant surprises for her.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.


Things are not still, they are always changing.

Unless you progress, even if you are on the right track, you go backwards, not to mention that you may be on the wrong ways.

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