
  1. Blog teamBlog = new Blog(new Author("Guilherme Silveira"));
  2. teamBlog.add(new Entry("first","My first blog entry."));
  3. eamBlog.add(new Entry("tutorial","Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!"));
  4. XStream xstream = new XStream();
  5. System.out.println(xstream.toXML(teamBlog));


  1. <xtream.Blog>
  2. <writer>
  3. <name>Guilherme Silveira</name>
  4. </writer>
  5. <entries>
  6. <xtream.Entry>
  7. <title>first</title>
  8. <description>My first blog entry.</description>
  9. </xtream.Entry>
  10. <xtream.Entry>
  11. <title>tutorial</title>
  12. <description>Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!</description>
  13. </xtream.Entry>
  14. </entries>
  15. </xtream.Blog>


  1. 1 //xstream.aliasPackage("", "xtream");
  2. 2 xstream.alias("blog", Blog.class);
  3. 3 xstream.alias("entry", Entry.class);


  1. <blog>
  2. <writer>
  3. <name>Guilherme Silveira</name>
  4. </writer>
  5. <entries>
  6. <entry>
  7. <title>first</title>
  8. <description>My first blog entry.</description>
  9. </entry>
  10. <entry>
  11. <title>tutorial</title>
  12. <description>Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!</description>
  13. </entry>
  14. </entries>
  15. </blog>


  1. xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class, "writer");


  1. <blog>
  2. <author>
  3. <name>Guilherme Silveira</name>
  4. </author>
  5. <entries>
  6. <entry>
  7. <title>first</title>
  8. <description>My first blog entry.</description>
  9. </entry>
  10. <entry>
  11. <title>tutorial</title>
  12. <description>Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!</description>
  13. </entry>
  14. </entries>
  15. </blog>


  1. xstream.addImplicitCollection(Blog.class, "entries");


  1. <blog>
  2. <author>
  3. <name>Guilherme Silveira</name>
  4. </author>
  5. <entry>
  6. <title>first</title>
  7. <description>My first blog entry.</description>
  8. </entry>
  9. <entry>
  10. <title>tutorial</title>
  11. <description>Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!</description>
  12. </entry>
  13. </blog>


  1. xstream.useAttributeFor(Blog.class, "writer");


  1. xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class, "writer");


  1. xstream.registerConverter(new AuthorConverter());


  1. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.SingleValueConverter;
  2. class AuthorConverter implements SingleValueConverter {
  3. //显示节点属性值
  4. public String toString(Object obj) {
  5. return ((Author) obj).getName();
  6. }
  7. public Object fromString(String name) {
  8. return new Author(name);
  9. }
  10. public boolean canConvert(Class type) {
  11. return type.equals(Author.class);
  12. }
  13. }


  1. <blog author="Guilherme Silveira">
  2. <entry>
  3. <title>first</title>
  4. <description>My first blog entry.</description>
  5. </entry>
  6. <entry>
  7. <title>tutorial</title>
  8. <description>Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!</description>
  9. </entry>
  10. </blog>


  1. XStream xstream = new XStream();
  2. xstream.processAnnotations(Blog.class);
  3. xstream.processAnnotations(Entry.class);

1  @XStreamAlias注解可在类与属性上使用设置名称,相当于: xstream.alias("blog", Blog.class);

  1. @XStreamAlias("blog")
  2. public class Blog {
  3. @XStreamAlias("author")
  4. private Author writer;
  5. .....
  6. }

2 @XStreamImplicit去集合节点名:相当于 xstream.addImplicitCollection(Blog.class, "entries"); 
3 @XStreamConverter(AuthorConverter.class),参见以上的转换器类相当于:

  1. xstream.useAttributeFor(Blog.class, "writer");
  2. //重新命名
  3. xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class, "writer");
  4. //注册转换器
  5. xstream.registerConverter(new AuthorConverter());

a 必须要有个默认的无参构造函数

  1. public AuthorConverter() {
  2. }

b 类声明必须为:public

  1. public class AuthorConverter implements SingleValueConverter {
  2. ...
  3. }


    1. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
    2. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias;
    3. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;
    4. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamConverter;
    5. import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamImplicit;
    6. @XStreamAlias("blog")
    7. public class Blog {
    8. @XStreamAsAttribute
    9. @XStreamAlias("author")
    10. @XStreamConverter(AuthorConverter.class)
    11. private Author writer;
    12. @XStreamImplicit
    13. private List entries = new ArrayList();
    14. public Blog(Author writer) {
    15. this.writer = writer;
    16. }
    17. public void add(Entry entry) {
    18. entries.add(entry);
    19. }
    20. public List getContent() {
    21. return entries;
    22. }
    23. public static void main(String[] args) {
    24. Blog teamBlog = new Blog(new Author("Guilherme Silveira"));
    25. teamBlog.add(new Entry("first", "My first blog entry."));
    26. teamBlog
    27. .add(new Entry("tutorial",
    28. "Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!"));
    29. XStream xstream = new XStream();
    30. xstream.processAnnotations(Blog.class);
    31. xstream.processAnnotations(Entry.class);
    32. // 重新命名节点名
    33. // xstream.aliasPackage("", "xtream");
    34. /*
    35. * xstream.alias("blog", Blog.class); xstream.alias("entry",
    36. * Entry.class); //重新命名属性名 // xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class,
    37. * "writer"); //去节点 xstream.addImplicitCollection(Blog.class,
    38. * "entries"); // xstream.useAttributeFor(Blog.class, "writer"); //
    39. * xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class, "writer"); //
    40. * xstream.addImplicitCollection(Blog.class, "entries");
    41. * //使用这个属性名作为节点上的元素 xstream.useAttributeFor(Blog.class, "writer");
    42. * //重新命名 xstream.aliasField("author", Blog.class, "writer"); //注册转换器
    43. * xstream.registerConverter(new AuthorConverter());
    44. */
    45. System.out.println(xstream.toXML(teamBlog));
    46. }
    47. }


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