类:     Class (description/template for an object)
实例: Instance (manifestation of a class)
消息: Message (sent to object to make it act)
方法: Method (code invoked by a Message)
实例变量: Instance Variable (object-specific storage)
超类/子类: Superclass/Subclass (Inheritance)
协议:  Protocol (non-class-specific methods)

Class variable defined at @implementation and @interface?

@interface Someclass : NSObject {
NSString *forExample;
@end vs. @implementation Someclass
NSString *anotherExample;
-(void)methodsAndSuch {}

They're very different! The one in @implementation is a global variable not unique to each instance. Imagine there were accessors for both variables, written in the obvious way. Then the difference in behavior is shown here:

Someclass* firstObject = [[Someclass alloc] init];
Someclass* secondObject = [[Someclass alloc] init]; //forExample is an instance variable, and is unique to each instance.
[firstObject setForExample:@"One"];
[secondObject setForExample:@"Two"];
NSLog(@"%@",[firstObject forExample]); //Result: "One"
NSLog(@"%@",[secondObject forExample]); //Result: "Two" //anotherExample is a global variable, and is NOT unique to each instance.
[firstObject setAnotherExample:@"One"];
[secondObject setAnotherExample:@"Two"];
NSLog(@"%@",[firstObject anotherExample]); //Result: "Two" (!)
NSLog(@"%@",[secondObject anotherExample]); //Result: "Two" //Both instances return "Two" because there is only ONE variable this time.
//When secondObject set it, it replaced the value that firstObject set.

If you are looking for this sort of behavior, you might be better off using a class variable, like this:

static NSString* yetAnotherExample = nil;

Then you can use class methods to interact with the variable, and it's clearly class-specific (as opposed to instance-specific or global).

instance-specific  variable declared at @interface

global variable      variable declared at @implementation

class variable      variable declared using static

static variables in Objective-C

In both C and Objective-C, a static variable is a variable that is allocated for the entire lifetime of a program. This is in contrast to automatic variables, whose lifetime exists during a single function call; and dynamically-allocated variables like objects, which can be released from memory when no longer used. More simply put, a static variable's value is maintained throughout all function/method calls. When declared outside of a function, a static variable is visible to everything within the file in which it is declared; when declared inside a function or method, it is visible only within that function or method, but the value is retained between calls.

Say you have this:

int f(void)
int i = 5;
i += 10;
return i;

Every call to f() will return the value 15.

Now say you have this:

int g(void)
static int i = 5;
i += 10;
return i;

The first time g() is called, the value 15 will be returned. The second time, 25 will be returned, as i maintained its value of 15 and then incremented itself by 10. The third call, 35 will be returned. And so on.

In the context of Objective-C classes, static variables are often used to mimic class variables, as Objective-C does not have class variables (other languages, such as Java, do). For instance, say you want to lazily initialize an object, and only return that object. You might see this:

static MyObject *obj = nil;

@implementation MyObject

+ (id)sharedObject
if (obj == nil) obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
return obj;
} @end

obj will be initialized the first time classObject is called; subsequent invocations of classObject will return the same object. You could check this by logging the address of the object:

NSLog(@"obj is at %p", [MyObject sharedObject]);
NSLog(@"obj is at %p", [MyObject sharedObject]); // Will print the same address both times

Furthermore, obj will be visible to all methods in MyObject.

This technique is used to implemented singleton classes in Objective-C as well.

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