package com.Amazon.interview;

* @Author: weblee
* @Email:
* @Blog:
* @Time: 2014年10月25日下午5:14:33
************* function description ***************
* Question:
* Given an array with positive integers and another integer for
* example{7 2 4} 9, you are required to generate an equation, by
* inserting operator add ("+") and minus ("-") among the array . The
* left side of equation are consist of the array and the right side of
* equation is the integer. here the result is 7-2+4=9
* Rules:
* Don't include any space in the generated equation. In case there is no
* way to create the equation, please output "Invalid". For example {1 1}
* 10, output is "Invalid"
* There is no operator "+" or "-" in front of the first number: Don't
* change the order of the numbers. For example: {7 2 4} 9. 7-2+4=9 is
* correct answer, 4-2+7=9 is wrong answer. There could be multiple
* input, meaning your function could be called multiple times. Do
* remember print a new line after the call.
* The length of the integer array is from 1 to 15( include 1 and 15). If
* the length is 1, for example the input {7} 7, the output is 7=7
* Sample Input and Output:
* Input:
* 1 2 3 4 10
* 1 2 3 4 5
* Output:
* 1+2+3+4=10
* Invalid
*/ public class GenerateEquation {
public static void createEqualAndPrint(int[] a, int n, int target) {
if (a == null || a.length == 0 || a.length != n || n == 0) {
System.out.println("Invalid"); return;
} if (n < 1 || n > 15) {
} int i = n - 1;
int v = 1;
while (i > 1) {
v = (v << 1) + 1;
} int sum = 0;
String s = null;
while (v > 0) {
sum = a[0];
s = a[0] + "";
for (int j = n - 1; j > 0; j--) {
int c = v >> (j - 1);
if ((c & 1) == 1) {
sum += a[n - j];
s += "+" + a[n - j];
} else {
sum -= a[n - j];
s += "-" + a[n - j];
if (sum == target) {
System.out.println(s + "=" + target);
} else {
} System.out.println("Invalid.");
} /**
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; createEqualAndPrint(a, 4, 2);
} }

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