Optional Arguments

Set default arguments, when we don't need to call it, we can simply skip it.

def new_game(name, year=nil, system=nil)
name: name,
year: year,
system: system
game = new_game("Street Figher II")

Options Hash Argument

Sometimes, optinal argumetns also not that good. For exmaple, we have one argument added to the end, if we do want pass in reply_id and year, system we don't need to pass in, then we need to put placeholder in the function call.

def new_game(name, year=nil, system=nil, reply_id = nil)
name: name,
year: year,
system: system
game = new_game("Street Figher II", nil, nil, 50)

Therefore we can use options has argument:

def new_game(name, options={})
name: name,
year: options[:year],
system: options[:system]
game = new_game("Street Figher II",
year: 1992,
system: "SNES")


def get_tweet(list)
unless list.authorized?(@user)
raise AuthorizationException.new
end #raise an Exception instead begin
tweets = get_tweets(my_list)
rescue AuthorizationException
warn "You are not authorized to access this list"

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