Chap1 引言[The Linux Command Line]
part2-Learning The shell starts our exploration of the basic language of the command line including such things as the structure of commands,file system navigation, command line editing, and fiingding help and documentation for commands.
part3-Configuration and the enviroment covers editing configuration files that control the computer's operation from the commandl line.
part4-Common Tasks and essential tools explores many of the ordinary tsaks that are commonly performed from the command line.Unix-lile operating systems,such as Linux, contain many "classic" command line programs that are used to perfoem powerful operations on data.
part5-Writhing Shell Scripts introduces shee programming,an admittedly rudimentary,but easy to learn,technique for automating many coommon computing tasks.By learning shell programming ,you will become familiar with concepts that can be applied to many other programming languages.
part1 -Introduction
“Linux” refers to the kernel and all the other free and open source software found in the typical Linux distribution; that is, the entire Linux ecosystem, not just the GNU components.
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