
Change Function Key behavior

This section of the document describe how to change the behavior of 'fn' key to better match what user expect. (See #201711#162083) Here a description of each behavior :

  • 0 = disabled : Disable the 'fn' key. Pressing 'fn'+'F8' will behave like you only press 'F8'
  • 1 = fkeyslast : Function keys are used as last key. Pressing 'F8' key will act as a special key. Pressing 'fn'+'F8' will behave like a F8.
  • 2 = fkeysfirst : Function keys are used as first key. Pressing 'F8' key will behave like a F8. Pressing 'fn'+'F8' will act as special key (play/pause).

Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jakalope)


This section describe how to change the behavior of 'fn' with immediate effect (Restarting will reset the configuration). Execute the following commands to change the fnmode parameters. See section above for a description of available value.

$ sudo bash
# echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
# exit

This section describe how to change the behavior of 'fn' permanently. There is many way to proceed with this modification. Each sub section describe one way to permanently change the configuration.

With .conf file (Recommended)

1. Edit or create the file /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf, e.g.:

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf

2. Add this line to the previously open file.

options hid_apple fnmode=2

3. Save the file and execute the following command to notify hid_apple module to reload it's configuration.

sudo update-initramfs -u

4. Reboot

With rc.local

1. Edit the /etc/rc.local file.

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

2. Add this line near the end of the file, before the "exit" line:

echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

3. Reboot

With sysfs.conf

1. Edit the /etc/sysfs.conf file.

sudo gedit /etc/sysfs.conf

2. Add this lines to the end of the file.

module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode = 2

3. Reboot


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