Oracle HR 例子用户的建立 10g,11g均可

先将附件(见文章尾部)上的 10 个 .sql 文件放入这个路径中 :


Script Name       



Collects statistics on the tables in the schema.


Creates procedural objects in the schema.


Creates comments for each object in the schema.


Creates the HR objects.


Adds the distinguished name column used by Oracle Internet Directory to the employees and departments tables.


Drops the Oracle Internet Directory distinguished name column from employees and departments .


Drops the HR schema and all its objects.


Creates indexes on the HR tables.


Main script for the HR schema; calls other scripts.


Populates the objects.

然后在 SQL*PLUS 上运行 hr_main.sq 这个文件。

a)  SQL>@?


b)  Specify password for HR as parameter 1:

c)  Enter value for 1: hr

d)  Specify default tablespeace for HR as parameter 2:

e)  Enter value for 2: users

f)  Specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:

g)  Enter value for 3: temp

h)  Specify password for SYS as parameter 4:

i)  Enter value for 4:runner

j)  Specify log path as parameter 5:

k)  Enter value for 5: C:/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/RDBMS/log  (假设是Linux下的话就$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log)

能够通过此命令来查看 HR 用户是否已经建立成功。

desc dba_users;

Select username, account_status from dba_users;


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