1. 安装pure-ftpd、MySQL

apt-get purge vsftpd

apt-get purge pure-ftpd

apt-get purge pure-ftpd-common

apt-get purge pure-ftpd-mysql

apt-get purge pure-ftpd-ldap

apt-get install pure-ftpd-mysql mysql-server

2. 配置pure-ftpd

echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone
echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/CreateHomeDir

3. 添加FTP组、用户

groupadd ftpusers
useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/ftp -c "pure ftpd user" -g ftpusers ftpuser

4. 获取User manager for PureFTPd

wget http://machiel.generaal.net/files/pureftpd/ftp_v2.1.tar.gz
tar xvzf ftp_v2.1.tar.gz
mv ftp /var/www/

5. 配置pure-ftpd-mysql

vi /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf

# #
# PureFTPd MySQL configuration file. #
# Generated by the installation wizard for the 'User manager for PureFTPd' #
# See http://machiel.generaal.net for more info #
# or read the README.MySQL for explanations of the syntax. #
# #
############################################################################ # Optional : MySQL server name or IP. Don't define this for unix sockets. MYSQLServer # Optional : MySQL port. Don't define this if a local unix socket is used. # MYSQLPort 3306 # Optional : define the location of mysql.sock if the server runs on this host. MYSQLSocket /tmp/mysql.sock # Mandatory : user to bind the server as. MYSQLUser root # Mandatory : user password. You must have a password. MYSQLPassword ***** # Mandatory : database to open. MYSQLDatabase ftpusers # Mandatory : how passwords are stored
# Valid values are : "cleartext", "crypt", "md5" and "password"
# ("password" = MySQL password() function)
# You can also use "any" to try "crypt", "md5" *and* "password" MYSQLCrypt md5 # In the following directives, parts of the strings are replaced at
# run-time before performing queries :
# \L is replaced by the login of the user trying to authenticate.
# \I is replaced by the IP address the user connected to.
# \P is replaced by the port number the user connected to.
# \R is replaced by the IP address the user connected from.
# \D is replaced by the remote IP address, as a long decimal number.
# Very complex queries can be performed using these substitution strings,
# especially for virtual hosting. # Query to execute in order to fetch the password MYSQLGetPW SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R") # Query to execute in order to fetch the system user name or uid MYSQLGetUID SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R") # Optional : default UID - if set this overrides MYSQLGetUID #MYSQLDefaultUID 1000 # Query to execute in order to fetch the system user group or gid MYSQLGetGID SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R") # Optional : default GID - if set this overrides MYSQLGetGID #MYSQLDefaultGID 1000 # Query to execute in order to fetch the home directory MYSQLGetDir SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R") # Optional : query to get the maximal number of files
# Pure-FTPd must have been compiled with virtual quotas support. # MySQLGetQTAFS SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User="\L" # Optional : query to get the maximal disk usage (virtual quotas)
# The number should be in Megabytes.
# Pure-FTPd must have been compiled with virtual quotas support. # MySQLGetQTASZ SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User="\L" # Optional : ratios. The server has to be compiled with ratio support. # MySQLGetRatioUL SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"
# MySQLGetRatioDL SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L" # Optional : bandwidth throttling.
# The server has to be compiled with throttling support.
# Values are in KB/s . MySQLGetBandwidthUL SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R")
MySQLGetBandwidthDL SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L" AND Status="1" AND (Ipaddress = "*" OR Ipaddress LIKE "\R") # Enable ~ expansion. NEVER ENABLE THIS BLINDLY UNLESS :
# 1) You know what you are doing.
# 2) Real and virtual users match. # MySQLForceTildeExpansion 1 # If you upgraded your tables to transactionnal tables (Gemini,
# BerkeleyDB, Innobase...), you can enable SQL transactions to
# avoid races. Leave this commented if you are using the
# traditionnal MyIsam databases or old (< 3.23.x) MySQL versions. # MySQLTransactions On

6. 重启pure-ftpd-mysql

/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart

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