#!/usr/bin/perl use strict;
use warnings; foreach(<>)
if (/(\w*)/a){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #11111111111111111111111111111111111
#11111111111111111111111111111111111 foreach(<>)
if (/(\w*)/l){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #11111111111111111111111111111111111
#11111111111111111111111111111111111 foreach(<>)
if (/\Ax(.*)/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #no match
#no match
#no match
#no match foreach(<>)
if (/(.*)\;\z/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #no match
#no match
#no match
#no match
#no match
#no match foreach(<>)
if (/(.*)\;\Z/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #no match
#no match
#no match
#no match
#no match foreach(<>)
if (/\A(\s*)\Z/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";}
} #no match
#no match
#no match
#no match
#no match $_=' oinn
kkkk'; if (/(.*)k$/){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} # kkk if (/^n(.*)/m){print "$1\n";}else{print "no match\n";} #in
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