LeetCode OJ--Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
比如本问题:f(i,j) = max{f(i,k)+f(k,j)} 其中:f(i,j)表示从i到j的所有数,进行一次交易能获得的最多的钱数。最终要求的是f(0,n-1),k从1到n-2.
fp(i,j)表示从i 到 j 进行最多进行 p 次交易可以获得的钱数,则:
fp(i,j) = max {fp-1(i,j), fp-p'(i,k)+fp'(k,j)} 其中:p'从1到p-1,k从i+1到j-1.
class Solution {
//start 第一个元素,end 最后一个元素的下标
int onceBuyAndSell(vector<int> &prices,int start,int end)
int ans = ;
int max = prices[end];
for(int i = end - ;i>=start;i--)
if(max - prices[i]>ans)
ans = max - prices[i];
max = prices[i];
return ans;
} int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) {
return NULL;
return ; int ans = onceBuyAndSell(prices,,prices.size()-); if(prices.size()< || ans == )
return ans; int temp = ;
for(int itor = ;itor<prices.size()-;itor++)
temp = onceBuyAndSell(prices,,itor) + onceBuyAndSell(prices,itor+,prices.size()-);
if(temp> ans)
ans = temp;
return ans;
class Solution {
vector<int> ansN;
void onceBuyAndSell(vector<int> &prices,int start,int end)
int ans = ;
int max = prices[end];
ansN[end] = ;
for(int i = end - ;i>=start;i--)
if(max - prices[i]>ans)
ans = max - prices[i];
max = prices[i];
ansN[i] = ans;
} int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) {
return NULL;
return ; ansN.resize(prices.size());
onceBuyAndSell(prices,,prices.size()-); if(prices.size()< )
return ansN[]; int min = prices[];
int ans2 = ; int ans = ansN[]; for(int itor = ;itor<prices.size()-;itor++)
if(prices[itor] - min>ans2)
ans2 = prices[itor] - min;
min = prices[itor]; if(ans2 + ansN[itor+]> ans)
ans = ans2 + ansN[itor+];
return ans;
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