思路:miller_rabin模板 (详情可参见: http://blog.csdn.net/s031302306/article/details/51606018)
注意这里的 n 为 1e30,需要用字符串处理
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib> #define MAXL 4
#define M10 1000000000
#define Z10 9 const int zero[MAXL - ] = {}; struct bnum{
int data[MAXL]; // 断成每截9个长度
// 读取字符串并转存
void read(){
memset(data, , sizeof(data));
char buf[];
scanf("%s", buf);
int len = (int)strlen(buf);
int i = , k;
while (len >= Z10){
for (k = len - Z10; k < len; ++k){
data[i] = data[i] * + buf[k] - '';
len -= Z10;
if (len > ){
for (k = ; k < len; ++k){
data[i] = data[i] * + buf[k] - '';
} bool operator == (const bnum &x){
return memcmp(data, x.data, sizeof(data)) == ;
} bnum & operator = (const int x){
memset(data, , sizeof(data));
data[] = x;
return *this;
} bnum operator + (const bnum &x){
int i, carry = ;
bnum ans;
for (i = ; i < MAXL; ++i){
ans.data[i] = data[i] + x.data[i] + carry;
carry = ans.data[i] / M10;
ans.data[i] %= M10;
return ans;
} bnum operator - (const bnum &x){
int i, carry = ;
bnum ans;
for (i = ; i < MAXL; ++i){
ans.data[i] = data[i] - x.data[i] - carry;
if (ans.data[i] < ){
ans.data[i] += M10;
carry = ;
carry = ;
return ans;
} // assume *this < x * 2
bnum operator % (const bnum &x){
int i;
for (i = MAXL - ; i >= ; --i){
if (data[i] < x.data[i]){
return *this;
else if (data[i] > x.data[i]){
return ((*this) - x);
} bnum & div2(){
int i, carry = , tmp;
for (i = MAXL - ; i >= ; --i){
tmp = data[i] & ;
data[i] = (data[i] + carry) >> ;
carry = tmp * M10;
return *this;
} bool is_odd(){
return (data[] & ) == ;
} bool is_zero(){
for (int i = ; i < MAXL; ++i){
if (data[i]){
return false;
return true;
}; void mulmod(bnum &a0, bnum &b0, bnum &p, bnum &ans){//计算a0*b0%p
ans = ;
bnum tmp = a0, b = b0;
while (!b.is_zero()){
if (b.is_odd()){
ans = (ans + tmp) % p;
tmp = (tmp + tmp) % p;
} void powmod(bnum &a0, bnum &b0, bnum &p, bnum &ans){//计算a0^b0%p
bnum tmp = a0, b = b0;
ans = ;
while (!b.is_zero()){
if (b.is_odd()){
mulmod(ans, tmp, p, ans);
mulmod(tmp, tmp, p, tmp);
} bool MillerRabinTest(bnum &p, int iter){
int i, small = , j, d = ;
for (i = ; i < MAXL; ++i){
if (p.data[i]){
if (i == MAXL){
// small integer test
if (p.data[] < ){
return false;
if (p.data[] == ){
return true;
small = ;
if (!p.is_odd()){
return false; // even number
bnum a, s, m, one, pd1;
one = ;
s = pd1 = p - one;
while (!s.is_odd()){
} for (i = ; i < iter; ++i){
a = rand();
if (small){
a.data[] = a.data[] % (p.data[] - ) + ;
a.data[] = a.data[] / M10;
a.data[] %= M10;
if (a == one){
} powmod(a, s, p, m); for (j = ; j < d && !(m == one) && !(m == pd1); ++j){
mulmod(m, m, p, m);
if (!(m == pd1) && j > ){
return false;
return true;
} int main(void){
bnum x;
puts(MillerRabinTest(x, ) ? "Yes" : "No");
return ;
对于long long范围:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#define ll long long
using namespace std; //利用二进制计算a*b%mod
ll multi_mod(ll a, ll b, ll mod){
ll ans = 0LL;
a %= mod;
if (b & 1LL) ans = (ans+a)%mod;
b >>= 1LL;
a = (a+a)%mod;
return ans;
} //计算a^b%mod
ll power_mod(ll a, ll b, ll mod){
ll ans = 1LL;
a %= mod;
if(b & 1LL) ans = multi_mod(ans, a, mod);
b >>= 1LL;
a = multi_mod(a, a, mod);
return ans;
} //Miller-Rabin测试,测试n是否为素数
bool miller_rabin(ll n, int repeat){
if (2LL == n || 3LL == n) return true;
if (n%== || n%== || n%==) return false; //将n分解为2^s*d
ll d = n - 1LL;
int s = ;
while(!(d & 1LL)){
d >>= 1LL;
// srand((unsigned)time(0));
for(int i=; i<repeat; ++i){//重复repeat次
ll a = rand() % (n - ) + ;//取一个随机数,[2,n-1)
ll x = power_mod(a, d, n);
ll y = 0LL;
for(int j=; j<s; ++j){
y = multi_mod(x, x, n);
if (1LL == y && 1LL != x && n-1LL != x) return false;
x = y;
if (1LL != y) return false;
return true;
} int main(void){
ll n;
cin >> n;
if(miller_rabin(n, )) cout << "Yes" << endl;
else cout << "No" << endl;
return ;
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