How to build and test a module

1.test have: generate 、stimulus 、check 、respose

2.only one monitor can be active at any time

3.$finish VS $finish(2)

$finish(2) print about cpu / memory information

4.parameter defparam

defparam ===> redefine parameters (cross module)

modulename #(parameter1(parameter_value),….)(port_declaratoin); <==常见

5.tasks and functions are declared wihin modules

1. tasks may only be used in procedural blocks.

A task invocation or task enable as it is called in verilog , is a statememt by itself .

It may not be used as operands in an expression.

2.functions are used as operands in expressions

A function may be used in either a procedural block or

a continuous assignment,or indeed,any place where an expression may appear

6.if task statmemts inside can synthesys           ====> task can synthesys

if task statmemts inside can not synthesys     ====> task can not synthesys

task may have time or delay control

7.function not have time or delay control

if function statmemts inside can synthesys         ====> function can synthesys

if function statmemts inside can not synthesy     ====> function can not synthesys

8.system task

$display / $write /$strobe /$monitor

$write not add a newline character to the output string

$readmemb/$readmemh  === store file into memory


$finish / $finish(2)

9.system function

$time <===返回64位数

$stime <===返回32位数


conversion function:

$rtoi  / $itor / $realtobits / $bitstoreal


verilog has a mechanism for globally referencing nets, registers,events,

tasks,and functions called the cross-module reference , or XMR.

11.Hierarchical Module

module A;

reg x; //1 <==A.x

task B;

reg x;//2 <==A.B.x


begin : C

reg x; //3   <===A.B.C.x







reg x;//4  <===A.D.x



12.verilog-2001 new features

(1).ANSI-style port lists

95style:一个signal 需要端口、方向、数据类型可能需要重复三次。



module module_name #(parameter_declaration)


(3)constant function

V2K1: log2

(4)comma separated sensitivity list

(5) combinational logic sensitivity list


always@(a or b or sel)



(6)vector part select <==位宽选择

reg [63:0] vector1;

reg [0:63] vector2;

byte = vector1[31-:8];//vector1[31:24]

byte = vector1[24+:8];//vector1[31:24]

byte  =vector2[31-:8];//vector2[24:31]

byte  =vector2[24+:8];//vector2[24:31]

13.Multi-Demensional Array

in verilog-1995

only 1D arrays of reg / integer and time allowed

in verilog-2001

wire [31:0] array_1D[127:0];

real  array_2D[127:0][127:0];
  14.Array Bit and part select

in verilog-1995

reg [31:0] ram [0:255];

reg [7:0] high_byte;

reg [31:0] temp;

temp = ram[5];


in verilog-2001

reg[31:0] ram[0:255];

reg[7:0] high_byte;

high_byte = ram[5][31:24];

15.power operator **


16.size and typed parameter <==95中,the width of a parameter must be 32bits

17.explicit in_line parameter pass


18.fixed local parameter

module multiplier(a,b,product);

parameter a_width = 8,b_width=8;

loaclparam product_width= a_width+b_width;

parameter :can be redifined by defparam or in_line parameter redefinition

localparam: cannot be refined(外面不可见)

19.generate <== use loops to generate any number of instances


genvar i;


begin :indentifier




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