[CTSC 2012] Cheat
注意到问题具有单调性 , 不妨对于每组询问二分答案mid
记fi表示前i个字符最多能选几个 , 有转移方程 :
fi = max{ fi - 1 , fj + i - j } (i - maxlen[i] <= j <= i - mid)
i - maxlen[i]单调递增 , i - mid同样单调递增
时间复杂度 : O(NlogN)
- #include<bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- #define N 1100010
- int n , m , L;
- int dp[N] , maxlen[N] , q[N];
- char s[N];
- #define rint register int
- struct Suffix_Automaton
- {
- int sz , last;
- int father[N] , child[N][] , depth[N];
- Suffix_Automaton()
- {
- sz = ;
- last = ;
- }
- inline int new_node(int dep)
- {
- depth[++sz] = dep;
- return sz;
- }
- inline void extend(int ch)
- {
- int np = new_node(depth[last] + );
- int p = last;
- while (child[p][ch] == )
- {
- child[p][ch] = np;
- p = father[p];
- }
- if (child[p][ch] == np) father[np] = ;
- else
- {
- int q = child[p][ch];
- if (depth[q] == depth[p] + ) father[np] = q;
- else
- {
- int nq = new_node(depth[p] + );
- father[nq] = father[q];
- father[np] = father[q] = nq;
- memcpy(child[nq] , child[q] , sizeof(child[q]));
- while (child[p][ch] == q)
- {
- child[p][ch] = nq;
- p = father[p];
- }
- }
- }
- last = np;
- }
- inline void match()
- {
- int now = , mxlen = ;
- for (rint i = ; i <= L; ++i)
- {
- int nxt = s[i] - '';
- while (now != && !child[now][nxt]) now = father[now] , mxlen = depth[now];
- if (child[now][nxt])
- {
- ++mxlen;
- now = child[now][nxt];
- } else
- {
- mxlen = ;
- now = ;
- }
- maxlen[i] = mxlen;
- }
- }
- } SAM;
- inline void chkmin(int &x , int y)
- {
- x = min(x , y);
- }
- inline void chkmax(int &x , int y)
- {
- x = max(x , y);
- }
- inline bool check(int mid)
- {
- int l = , r = ;
- for (rint i = ; i < mid; ++i) dp[i] = ;
- for (rint i = mid; i <= L; ++i)
- {
- while (l <= r && dp[q[r]] - q[r] <= dp[i - mid] - i + mid) --r;
- q[++r] = i - mid;
- while (l <= r && q[l] < i - maxlen[i]) ++l;
- dp[i] = dp[i - ];
- if (l <= r) chkmax(dp[i] , dp[q[l]] - q[l] + i);
- }
- return dp[L] * >= * L;
- }
- int main()
- {
- scanf("%d%d" , &n , &m);
- int mxl = ;
- for (rint i = ; i <= m; ++i)
- {
- scanf("%s" , s + );
- L = strlen(s + );
- chkmax(mxl , L);
- for (rint j = ; j <= L; ++j) SAM.extend(s[j] - '');
- SAM.extend();
- }
- for (rint i = ; i <= n; ++i)
- {
- scanf("%s" , s + );
- int l = , r = strlen(s + ) , ans = ;
- L = r;
- chkmin(r , mxl);
- int now = , mxlen = ;
- SAM.match();
- while (l <= r)
- {
- int mid = (l + r) >> ;
- if (check(mid))
- {
- ans = mid;
- l = mid + ;
- } else r = mid - ;
- }
- printf("%d\n" , ans);
- }
- return ;
- }
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