Jquery Plugin模版
1. [代码][JavaScript]代码
01// remember to change every instance of "pluginName" to the name of your plugin!
02// the semicolon at the beginning is there on purpose in order to protect the integrity
03// of your scripts when mixed with incomplete objects, arrays, etc.
04;(function($) {
06 // we need attach the plugin to jQuery's namespace or otherwise it would not be
07 // available outside this function's scope
08 // "el" should be a jQuery object or a collection of jQuery objects as returned by
09 // jQuery's selector engine
10 $.pluginName = function(el, options) {
12 // plugin's default options
13 // this is private property and is accessible only from inside the plugin
14 var defaults = {
16 propertyName: 'value',
18 // if your plugin is event-driven, you may provide callback capabilities
19 // for its events. call these functions before or after events of your
20 // plugin, so that users may "hook" custom functions to those particular
21 // events without altering the plugin's code
22 onSomeEvent: function() {}
24 }
26 // to avoid confusions, use "plugin" to reference the
27 // current instance of the object
28 var plugin = this;
30 // this will hold the merged default, and user-provided options
31 // plugin's properties will be accessible like:
32 // plugin.settings.propertyName from inside the plugin or
33 // myplugin.settings.propertyName from outside the plugin
34 // where "myplugin" is an instance of the plugin
35 plugin.settings = {}
37 // the "constructor" method that gets called when the object is created
38 // this is a private method, it can be called only from inside the plugin
39 var init = function() {http://www.huiyi8.com/moban/
41 // the plugin's final properties are the merged default and
42 // user-provided options (if any)网站源码
43 plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
45 // make the collection of target elements available throughout the plugin
46 // by making it a public property
47 plugin.el = el;
49 // code goes here
51 }
53 // public methods
54 // these methods can be called like:
55 // plugin.methodName(arg1, arg2, ... argn) from inside the plugin or
56 // myplugin.publicMethod(arg1, arg2, ... argn) from outside the plugin
57 // where "myplugin" is an instance of the plugin
59 // a public method. for demonstration purposes only - remove it!
60 plugin.foo_public_method = function() {
62 // code goes here
64 }
66 // private methods
67 // these methods can be called only from inside the plugin like:
68 // methodName(arg1, arg2, ... argn)
70 // a private method. for demonstration purposes only - remove it!
71 var foo_private_method = function() {
73 // code goes here
75 }
77 // call the "constructor" method
78 init();
80 }
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