

fio is an I/O tool meant to be used both for benchmark and stress/hardware verification. It has support for  different types of I/O engines (sync, mmap, libaio, posixaio, SG v3, splice, null, network, syslet, guasi, solarisaio, and more), I/O priorities (for newer Linux kernels), rate I/O, forked or threaded jobs, and much more. It can work on block devices as well as files. fio accepts job descriptions in a simple-to-understand text format. Several example job files are included. fio displays all sorts of I/O performance information. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OS X, and OpenSolaris.


1. sync:       Basic read() or write() I/O. fseek() is used to position the I/O location.
2. psync:   Basic pread() or pwrite() I/O.
3. vsync: Basic readv() or writev() I/O. Will emulate queuing by coalescing adjacents IOs into a single submission.
4. libaio: Linux native asynchronous I/O.
5. posixaio: glibc POSIX asynchronous I/O using aio_read() and aio_write().
6. mmap: File is memory mapped with mmap() and data copied using memcpy().
7. splice:   splice() is used to transfer the data and vmsplice() to transfer data from user-space to the kernel.
syslet-rw: Use the syslet system calls to make regular read/write asynchronous.
sg:SCSI generic sg v3 I/O.
net : Transfer over the network. filename must be set appropriately to `host/port’ regardless of data direction. If receiving,
only the port argument is used.
netsplice: Like net, but uses splice() and vmsplice() to map data and send/receive.
guasi The GUASI I/O engine is the Generic Userspace Asynchronous Syscall Interface approach to asycnronous I/O.


No jobs(s) defined

fio [options] [job options] <job file(s)>
--debug=options Enable debug logging. May be one/more of:
--parse-only Parse options only, don't start any IO
--output Write output to file
--runtime Runtime in seconds
--latency-log Generate per-job latency logs
--bandwidth-log Generate per-job bandwidth logs
--minimal Minimal (terse) output
--output-format=x Output format (terse,json,normal)
--terse-version=x Set terse version output format to 'x'
--version Print version info and exit
--help Print this page
--cpuclock-test Perform test/validation of CPU clock
--cmdhelp=cmd Print command help, "all" for all of them
--enghelp=engine Print ioengine help, or list available ioengines
--enghelp=engine,cmd Print help for an ioengine cmd
--showcmd Turn a job file into command line options
--eta=when When ETA estimate should be printed
May be "always", "never" or "auto"
--eta-newline=time Force a new line for every 'time' period passed
--status-interval=t Force full status dump every 't' period passed
--readonly Turn on safety read-only checks, preventing writes
--section=name Only run specified section in job file
--alloc-size=kb Set smalloc pool to this size in kb (def )
--warnings-fatal Fio parser warnings are fatal
--max-jobs=nr Maximum number of threads/processes to support
--server=args Start a backend fio server
--daemonize=pidfile Background fio server, write pid to file
--client=hostname Talk to remote backend fio server at hostname
--idle-prof=option Report cpu idleness on a system or percpu basis
(option=system,percpu) or run unit work
calibration only (option=calibrate)








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