• 前缀和
  • 二分查找
  • 打表枚举
  • 代码如下
  • import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.StreamTokenizer;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List; public class Main { public static Integer[] dp(int[] arr, String s,int t,char ch) {
    List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
    if (arr[0] == t && s.charAt(0) == ch) {
    } else {
    for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == t && s.charAt(i) == ch) {
    ans.add(ans.get(i - 1) + 1);
    } else {
    ans.add(ans.get(i - 1));
    return ans.toArray(new Integer[ans.size()]);
    } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    StreamTokenizer in = new StreamTokenizer(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)));
    int n = (int) in.nval;
    int[] arr = new int[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    arr[i] = (int) in.nval;
    String s = in.sval;
    Integer[] mlist = build(s, 'M');
    Integer[] elist = build(s, 'E');
    Integer[] xlist = build(s, 'X'); Integer[] hm0 = dp(arr, s,0,'M');
    Integer[] hm1 = dp(arr, s,1,'M');
    Integer[] hm2 = dp(arr,s, 2,'M'); Integer[] hx0 = dp(arr, s,0,'X');
    Integer[] hx1 = dp(arr, s,1,'X');
    Integer[] hx2 = dp(arr,s, 2,'X'); long ans = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < elist.length; i++) {
    int j = upperlound(mlist, elist[i]);
    int p = upperlound(xlist, elist[i]); if (j == 0) {
    if (p == xlist.length) {
    j = j - 1; int t = mlist[j]; int x0 = hm0[t];
    int x1 = hm1[t];
    int x2 = hm2[t]; int k = xlist[p]; int y0 = k > 0 ? hx0[n - 1] - hx0[k - 1] : hx0[n - 1];
    int y1 = k > 0 ? hx1[n - 1] - hx1[k - 1] : hx1[n - 1];
    int y2 = k > 0 ? hx2[n - 1] - hx2[k - 1] : hx2[n - 1]; int z = arr[elist[i]]; if (z == 2) {
    ans += 1l*x0*(y0 + y2 + 3 * y1);
    ans += 3l*x1*y0;
    ans += 1l* x2*y0;
    else if( z == 1){
    ans += 1l*x0*(2*y0+2*y1+3*y2);
    ans += 2l*x1*y0;
    ans += 3l*x2*y0;
    ans += 1l*x0*(y0+2*y1+y2);
    ans += 1l*x1*(2*y0+2*y1+3*y2);
    ans += 1l*x2*(y0+3*y1+y2);
    } } System.out.println(ans);
    } /**
    * @param arr
    * @param value
    * @return 》 value的第一个坐标位置,如果不存在,那么就是arr.length;
    public static int upperlound(Integer[] arr, int value) {
    int low = 0;
    int high = arr.length;
    while (low < high) {
    int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
    if (arr[mid] <= value) {
    low = mid + 1;
    } else {
    high = mid;
    return low;
    } public static Integer[] build(String str, char ch) {
    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
    if (str.charAt(i) == ch) {
    return list.toArray(new Integer[list.size()]);
    } }

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