·when you look into his eyes,you are seeing your own emotionsreflected back at you,nothing else.
·God, thank you for giving me my life ,i'm ready now.
·Above all, don't lose hope. 
·but all that the island gave him by day,it took away again by night. ---  Fiona—shrek
   happy ending.
·Even when God seemed to have abandoned me ,he waswatching;Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering ,he waswatching.and when i was beyond all hopes of saving ,he gave me restand gave me a sign to continue my journey.
·At the edge of the jungle ,he stoped . i was certainly he wasgoing to look back to me,flatten his ears to his head,.,that hewould bring our relationship to an end in some way...But he juststared ahead into the jungle.and then,Richard Parker,my fiercecompanion,the
terrible one who kept me alive~ disappeared foeverfrom my life.
·i wept like a child.not because i was overwhlemed of havingservived,although i was.i was weeping because Richard Parker leftme…… so~ unceremoniously.  it broke myheart.
After all we had been through, he didn't even lookback. 
·You know,i've left so much behind,my family,thezoo,India,Anandi...I suppose India and the whole of life becames anact of letting go,but what always hurts the most,is not taking amoment to say goodbye.
·--It is a lot to take in ..to figure out what that allmeans.
  --No,if it happened,it happened.Why shouldit have to mean anything..

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