I opened up a directory with PyCharm, and after it was done indexing, I still didn't get code completion suggestions, so I invalidated the cache. When I reopened PyCharm, I noticed that it was indexing


so it turns out there's a symlink or alias (not sure which) to itself. So I removed it, invalidated the cache and restarted PyCharm. When PyCharm started, the same problem was back, so it looks like PyCharm put the symlink back. How do I tell pycnarm to use the file system as its source of information?

asked Jul 25 '14 at 12:30

7,3851010 gold badges5050 silver badges8989 bronze badges

Open up

Preferences > Project Settings > Project Structure

Select the symlink and exlcude it from the project. This will prevent Pycharm from including and indexing the folder.

answered Aug 14 '14 at 13:54

36022 silver badges88 bronze badges
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