Did u have a problem whth the deepin file manager,Everthime I create/delete a Folder of File i have to refresh.

When u right click->new Folder ->nothing happens ->then refresh->it is visble

like this video

  • apt-cache show dde-file-manager

  • sudo sysctl -a | grep fs.inotify.max_user_watches

  • tihis console display:8192
  • change this var [fs.inotify.max_user_watches]
  • sudo sysctl -w fs/inotify/max_user_watches=10000

Then restart dde-file-manager

I like this deepin system,Has bee used as the main system for more than half a year.

I am used to when  withou Windows system.

I will get used to writing blogs in Englis later,although the semantics are not very smooth.

Come on~~~


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