Ugly Pairs CodeForces - 1156B
题意:给定一串字符,相邻字符的ASCII码不能是相邻的数字,比如ABC,假设ASCII码为,99 100 101 ,
① 只有偶数
② 只有奇数
③ 1 3 5 7 2
④ 1 3 5 7 6
⑤ 1 3 2
⑥ 1 3 2 4
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
#define inf (1LL << 25)
#define rep(i,j,k) for(int i = (j); i <= (k); i++)
#define rep__(i,j,k) for(int i = (j); i < (k); i++)
#define per(i,j,k) for(int i = (j); i >= (k); i--)
#define per__(i,j,k) for(int i = (j); i > (k); i--) int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
cin.tie(); char str[];
vector<int> one;
vector<int> two; int T;
cin >> T;
while(T--){ cin >> str; one.clear(); //奇数
two.clear(); //偶数
int len = strlen(str) - ;
int tmp = str[i] - 'a' + ;
if(tmp & ) one.push_back(tmp);
else two.push_back(tmp);
} //排好序,方便比较
if(one.size() == ){
rep(o,,(int)two.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + two[o] - );
cout << endl;
else if(two.size() == ){
rep(o,,(int)one.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + one[o] - );
cout << endl;
int End_b = two.size() - ;
int End_a = one.size() - ; //判断③④⑤⑥的情况
if(abs(two[] - one[End_a]) != ){
rep(o,,(int)one.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + one[o] - );
rep(o,,(int)two.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + two[o] - );
cout << endl;
else if(abs(two[End_b] - one[]) != ){
rep(o,,(int)two.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + two[o] - );
rep(o,,(int)one.size() - ) cout << (char)('a' + one[o] - );
cout << endl;
else cout << "No answer" << endl; } } getchar(); getchar();
return ;
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