
and the English words dyamaund The Vertu of the Dyamaund": Gemstones, Knowledge and Value in The Book of John Mandeville and if the dyamaund be good A few years ago a leading US business magazine described the diamond cartel, ... mant’ and the English ’dyamaund’ used at the beginning of the 15th century. Mod- ern spelling Seems to have originated in the mid-16th century

1.(uncountable) A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron. The saw is coated with diamond.

2.A gemstone made from this mineral. [quotations ▼]

The dozen loose diamonds sparkled in the light.

3.A ring containing a diamond. What a beautiful engagement diamond.

4.A very pale blue color/colour. diamond color:

5.Something that resembles a diamond.

6.(geometry) A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical.

7.(geometry) The polyiamond made up of two triangles.

8.(baseball) The entire field of play used in the game.

9.(baseball) The infield of a baseball field. The teams met on the diamond.

10.(card games) A card of the diamonds suit. I have only one diamond in my hand.

11.(printing, uncountable, dated) A size of type, standardised as 4? point.


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  5. The Vertu of the Dyamaund钻石

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