Chrome 应用推荐 - Shortcuts for Google™ 3.4.1
Choose from 200+ Google™ services to show up as buttons in a space-saving popup. Official Firefox extension port.
Display all Google™ services as buttons in a space-saving popup next to your address bar. Reach services like Gmail, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and many more in just two clicks from your browser. The extension includes more than 160 Google services and websites.
选择200 +谷歌™服务,显示为在节省空间的弹出按钮。官方的Firefox扩展端口。
Please report bugs and requests using the following link and not the comments:
版本: 3.4.1
最后更新日期: 2014年2月27日
大小: 802KB
语言: Deutsch, English, Français, Nederlands, Türkçe, català, español, italiano, português (Brasil), português (Portugal), čeština, русский, עברית, 中文 (简体)
Main features
✓ Over 200 Google™ services, continously updated
✓ Buttons can be sorted and rearranged according to your needs
(take a look at the screenshots)
✓ Support for 3 different icon sizes (16, 32, and 64px)
✓ Support for Google Apps™ specific URLs for your own domain
✓ Add your own custom URL button like a link to Facebook
✓ Change URLs of services
✓ Change names of services
✓ Integration of GMail this!, Map this!, Bookmark this!, etc.
✓ Integrated interface for URL shortener
The developer of this extension is not affiliated in any way with Google Inc.
All Google icons and names are a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are property of their respective owner(s).
The extension is free at the moment, you can buy me a coffee here:
The extension needs access to all of your websites to use the "GMail this" feature, that copies a selected text into a new mail.
Version 3.4
Added translations to German, Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Chinese (simplified).
Please contact us via if you want to help translating this extension
Added support to HDPI screens (like Retina displays)
Updated some icons
Added 9 new shortcuts:
Apps Status Dashboard
A Google a day
Inside Search
Contacts - Add Contact
Structured Data Testing Tool
PageSpeed Insights
Version 3.3
Redesigned the popup to look more like the google app launcher
The icon size is set to 64px (you can change it to 16px or 32px, see settings)
The labels are now displayed (you can hide them, see settings)
Added a new grid mode beside "vertical" and "horizontal" (grid is default now, but you can change it, see settings)
Added 6 new shortcuts:
Google Tips
Planning Tools
Play Books Partner Center
Play Newsstand
Media Tools
Version 3.1
Added import and export functionality via files.
Added 10 new shortcuts:
Adwords - Keyword Planner; Analytics Gallery; DoubleClick Studio; Feedback Reports; Maps - Location History; ReCaptcha; Trends - Explore; Wallet - Merchant Center; Webmaster Tools - My Removal Requests; YouTube - Keyword Tool; YouTube - Subscriptions
Changed AdPlanner to Adwords - Display Planner
Removed the Latitude and Google+ Games Shortcut.
Updated 26 service icons, including the google play and android icons, CS4HS icon, Elections icon, some Maps icons, Postini icon, trusted stores icon, web history icon and the icon for Public Data Explorer
The new custom shortcut popup is now emptied after adding a custom shortcut.
Note: if you are experiencing issues with the options page where no services are loaded, try to reset the settings or reinstall the extension.
Version 3.0
Complete recoded and redesigned the settings page.
Settings are now synced via chrome sync.
Added some google shortcuts.
Consumer Surveys - New Survey; Play - Artist Hub; Play Store - Apps; Play Store - Books; Play Store - Devices; Play Store - Magazines; Play Store - Movies; Play Store - Music; Play Store - Orders; Play Store - Settings; Trends - Cold Searches; Url Shortener - Dashboard; Trusted Tester; Plus One; android device manager
Updated some shortcuts.
Fixed a lot of bugs
Dublicated play store shortcut.
Google Drive/docs shortcut
Future changes to the shortcuts is made easier.
Version 2.2
Added Adwords Express
Updated several icons
Google+ Hangouts
Google Apps
Apps Marketplace
Apps Dashboard
Google Adwords
Adwords - External Keyword Tool
Adwords - My Client Center
Chrome Web Store - Themes
Chrome Extensions
Fixed toolbar icon bug
Version 2.1
Added Google Table Search
Added Google Maps Engine
Added Public Alerts
Added Public Alerts
Added Trusted Testers
Added Offers - my Offers
Added Chrome Web Store - Themes
Version 2.0.1
Added Google keep
updated icons for cloudprint, artproject and webfonts
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