// 面试题26:树的子结构
// 题目:输入两棵二叉树A和B,判断B是不是A的子结构。 #include <iostream> struct BinaryTreeNode
double m_dbValue;
BinaryTreeNode* m_pLeft;
BinaryTreeNode* m_pRight;
}; bool DoesTree1HaveTree2(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2);
bool Equal(double num1, double num2); bool HasSubtree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2)//遍历树1,看看有没有树2的头结点
bool result = false; if (pRoot1 != nullptr && pRoot2 != nullptr)//对于树结构,时刻判断节点为空的情况
if (Equal(pRoot1->m_dbValue, pRoot2->m_dbValue))//注意该题树结构中值的类型是double,不能用==
result = DoesTree1HaveTree2(pRoot1, pRoot2);//如果头结点一样,就看看是否真的包含
if (!result)
result = HasSubtree(pRoot1->m_pLeft, pRoot2);//如果头结点不一样,就开始遍历全树
if (!result)
result = HasSubtree(pRoot1->m_pRight, pRoot2);
} return result;
} bool DoesTree1HaveTree2(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2)
if (pRoot2 == nullptr)//如果这个节点为空代表什么,把树2熬到头就赢了
return true; if (pRoot1 == nullptr)//如果这个节点为空代表什么,完了,树1先熬到头了
return false; if (!Equal(pRoot1->m_dbValue, pRoot2->m_dbValue))//都在啊,那等不等啊
return false; return DoesTree1HaveTree2(pRoot1->m_pLeft, pRoot2->m_pLeft) &&
DoesTree1HaveTree2(pRoot1->m_pRight, pRoot2->m_pRight);//相等,那就递归的检测
} bool Equal(double num1, double num2)
if ((num1 - num2 > -0.0000001) && (num1 - num2 < 0.0000001))
return true;
return false;
} // ====================辅助测试代码====================
BinaryTreeNode* CreateBinaryTreeNode(double dbValue)
BinaryTreeNode* pNode = new BinaryTreeNode();
pNode->m_dbValue = dbValue;
pNode->m_pLeft = nullptr;
pNode->m_pRight = nullptr; return pNode;
} void ConnectTreeNodes(BinaryTreeNode* pParent, BinaryTreeNode* pLeft, BinaryTreeNode* pRight)
if (pParent != nullptr)
pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft;//这个时候不用说pLeft为不为空了,为空又怎样
pParent->m_pRight = pRight;
} void DestroyTree(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot)
if (pRoot != nullptr)
BinaryTreeNode* pLeft = pRoot->m_pLeft;
BinaryTreeNode* pRight = pRoot->m_pRight; delete pRoot;
pRoot = nullptr; DestroyTree(pLeft);
} // ====================测试代码====================
void Test(const char* testName, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot1, BinaryTreeNode* pRoot2, bool expected)
if (HasSubtree(pRoot1, pRoot2) == expected)
printf("%s passed.\n", testName);
printf("%s failed.\n", testName);
} //去吧,把能想到全想到 // 树中结点含有分叉,树B是树A的子结构
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void Test1()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, pNodeA2, pNodeA3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, pNodeA4, pNodeA5);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA5, pNodeA6, pNodeA7); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, pNodeB2, pNodeB3); Test("Test1", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, true); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树中结点含有分叉,树B不是树A的子结构
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// 4 7
void Test2()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA6 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA7 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, pNodeA2, pNodeA3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, pNodeA4, pNodeA5);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA5, pNodeA6, pNodeA7); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, pNodeB2, pNodeB3); Test("Test2", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, false); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树中结点只有左子结点,树B是树A的子结构
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// 2
// /
void Test3()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, pNodeA2, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, pNodeA3, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA3, pNodeA4, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA4, pNodeA5, nullptr); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, pNodeB2, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB2, pNodeB3, nullptr); Test("Test3", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, true); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树中结点只有左子结点,树B不是树A的子结构
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// 2
// /
void Test4()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, pNodeA2, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, pNodeA3, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA3, pNodeA4, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA4, pNodeA5, nullptr); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, pNodeB2, nullptr);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB2, pNodeB3, nullptr); Test("Test4", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, false); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树中结点只有右子结点,树B是树A的子结构
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// 2
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// 5
void Test5()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, nullptr, pNodeA2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, nullptr, pNodeA3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA3, nullptr, pNodeA4);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA4, nullptr, pNodeA5); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, nullptr, pNodeB2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB2, nullptr, pNodeB3); Test("Test5", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, true); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树A中结点只有右子结点,树B不是树A的子结构
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// 2
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// 5
void Test6()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA5 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, nullptr, pNodeA2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, nullptr, pNodeA3);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA3, nullptr, pNodeA4);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA4, nullptr, pNodeA5); BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, nullptr, pNodeB2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB2, pNodeB3, pNodeB4); Test("Test6", pNodeA1, pNodeB1, false); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树A为空树
void Test7()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeB4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB1, nullptr, pNodeB2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeB2, pNodeB3, pNodeB4); Test("Test7", nullptr, pNodeB1, false); DestroyTree(pNodeB1);
} // 树B为空树
void Test8()
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA1 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA2 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA3 = CreateBinaryTreeNode();
BinaryTreeNode* pNodeA4 = CreateBinaryTreeNode(); ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA1, nullptr, pNodeA2);
ConnectTreeNodes(pNodeA2, pNodeA3, pNodeA4); Test("Test8", pNodeA1, nullptr, false); DestroyTree(pNodeA1);
} // 树A和树B都为空
void Test9()
Test("Test9", nullptr, nullptr, false);
} int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return ;


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