forward 与 ! (tell) 的差异,举个例子:

Main(当前actor): topNode ! Insert(requester, id=1, ele = 2)

topNode: root ! Insert(requester, id=1, ele = 2)



topNode: root forward Insert(requester, id=1, ele = 2)


从上面的例子可以看出,! 和 forward之间是有差别的,但是差别本身比较tricky,会增加理解的成本,所以传递消息时,把消息的actorRef作为参数传递会简单很多。


testcase 的 code

  test("proper inserts and lookups") {
val topNode = system.actorOf(Props[BinaryTreeSet]) topNode ! Contains(testActor, id = , )
expectMsg(ContainsResult(, false)) topNode ! Insert(testActor, id = , )
topNode ! Contains(testActor, id = , ) expectMsg(OperationFinished())
expectMsg(ContainsResult(, true))


  val normal: Receive = {
// 这个forward非常重要,不能写成 !,不然第一个testcase都不过去
case operation: Operation => root ! operation
case GC => {
val newRoot = createRoot
root ! CopyTo(newRoot) }
case _ => println("unknown operation")
// root 的处理逻辑
  case Insert(requester, id, elem) =>
if(this.elem == elem) {
if(this.removed) this.removed = false
requester ! OperationFinished(id)
} else {
val child = if(this.elem > elem) Left else Right
if(subtrees contains child) subtrees(child) ! Insert(requester, id, elem)
else {
subtrees += child -> context.actorOf(props(elem, false))
requester ! OperationFinished(id)

在source code中,topNode收到消息后,把消息传递给root,root认为消息的来源是topNode。假如消息不绑定requester参数,那么通过sender获得actor是tiopNode,而不是main。我们在testcase中做assertion的话,肯定就是错的。



case msg: Operation =>
pendingQueue = pendingQueue.enqueue(msg)

pendingQueue.enqueue(msg) 并不能更新pendingQueue自己,必须重新赋值才行。

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