Q1. An administrator wants to provide users restricted access. The users should only be able to perform the following
- Create and consolidate virtual machine snapshots
- Add/Remove virtual disks
- Snapshot Management
Which default role in vCenter Server would meet the administrator's requirements for the users?
A. Virtual machine user
B. Virtual machine power user
C. Virtual Datacenter administrator
D. VMware Consolidated Backup user

Q2. Which two roles can be modified? (Choose two.)
A. Administrator
B. Network Administrator
C. Datastore Consumer
D. Read-Only

Q3. An administrator with global administrator privileges creates a custom role but fails to assign any privileges to it.
Which two privileges would the custom role have? (Choose two.)
A. System.View
B. System.Anonymous
C. System.User
D. System.ReadOnly

Q4. An administrator wishes to give a user the ability to manage snapshots for virtual machines.Which privilege does
the administrator need to assign to the user?
A. Datastore.Allocate Space
B. Virtual machine.Configuration.create snapshot
C. Virtual machine.Configuration.manage snapshot
D. Datastore.Browse Datastore

Q5. An object has inherited permissions from two parent objects.
What is true about the permissions on the object?
A. The common permissions between the two are applied and the rest are discarded.
B. The permissions are combined from both parent objects.
C. No permissions are applied from the parent objects.
D. The permission is randomly selected from either of the two parent objects.

Q6. What is the highest object level from which a virtual machine can inherit privileges?
A. Host Folder
B. Data Center
C. Data Center Folder
D. VM Folder

Q7. Which three Authorization types are valid in vSphere? (Choose three.)
A. Group Membership in vsphere.local
B. Global
C. Forest
D. vCenter Server
E. Group Membership in system-domain

Q8. Which three components should an administrator select when configuring vSphere permissions? (Choose three.)
A. Inventory Object
B. Role
C. User/Group
D. Privilege
E. Password

Q9. In which two vsphere.local groups should an administrator avoid adding members? (Choose two.)
A. SolutionUsers
B. Administrators
C. DCAdmins
D. ExternalPDUsers

Q10. An administrator has configured three vCenter Servers and vRealize Orchestrator within a Platform Services
Controller domain, and needs to grant a user privileges that span all environments.
Which statement best describes how the administrator would accomplish this?
A. Assign a Global Permission to the user.
B. Assign a vCenter Permission to the user.
C. Assign vsphere.local membership to the user.
D. Assign an ESXi Permission to the user.

Q11. Which two methods are recommended for managing the VMware Directory Service? (Choose
A. Utilize the vmdir command.
B. Manage through the vSphere Web Client.
C. Manage using the VMware Directory Service.
D. Utilize the dc rep command.

Q12. What are two sample roles that are provided with vCenter Server by default? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual machine User
B. Network Administrator
C. Content Library Administrator
D. Storage Administrator

Q13. An administrator would like to use the VMware Certificate Authority (VMCA) as an Intermediate Certificate
Authority (CA). The first two steps performed are:
- Replace the Root Certificate
- Replace Machine Certificates (Intermediate CA)
Which two steps would need to be performed next? (Choose two.)
A. Replace Solution User Certificates (Intermediate CA)
B. Replace the VMware Directory Service Certificate (Intermediate CA)
C. Replace the VMware Directory Service Certificate
D. Replace Solution User Certificates

Q14. Which three options are available for ESXi Certificate Replacement? (Choose three.)
A. VMware Certificate Authority mode
B. Custom Certificate Authority mode
C. Thumbprint mode
D. Hybrid Deployment
E. VMware Certificate Endpoint Authority Mode

Q15. Lockdown Mode has been enabled on an ESXi 6.x host and users are restricted from logging into the Direct
Console User Interface (DCUI).
Which two statements are true given this configuration? (Choose two.)
A. A user granted administrative privileges in the Exception User list can login.
B. A user defined in the DCUI.Access without administrative privileges can login.
C. A user defined in the ESXi Admins domain group can login.
D. A user set to the vCenter Administrator role can login.

Q16. Strict Lockdown Mode has been enabled on an ESXi host.
Which action should an administrator perform to allow ESXi Shell or SSH access for users with administrator
A. Grant the users the administrator role and enable the service.
B. Add the users to Exception Users and enable the service.
C. No action can be taken, Strict Lockdown Mode prevents direct access.
D. Add the users to vsphere.local and enable the service.

Q17. An administrator wants to configure an ESXi 6.x host to use Active Directory (AD) to manage users and groups.
The AD domain group ESX Admins is planned for administrative access to the host.
Which two conditions should be considered when planning this configuration? (Choose two.)
A. If administrative access for ESX Admins is not required, this setting can be altered.
B. The users in ESX Admins are not restricted by Lockdown Mode.
C. An ESXi host provisioned with Auto Deploy cannot store AD credentials.
D. The users in ESX Admins are granted administrative privileges in vCenter Server.

Q18. Which password meets ESXi 6.x host password requirements?
A. 8kMVnn2x!
B. zNgtnJBA2
C. Nvgt34kn44
D. !b74wr

Q19. An administrator would like to use a passphrase for their ESXi 6.x hosts which has these characteristics:
- Minimum of 21 characters
- Minimum of 2 words
Which advanced options must be set to allow this passphrase configuration to be used?
A. retry=3 min=disabled, disabled, 7, 21, 7 passphrase=2
B. retry=3 min=disabled, disabled, 21, 7, 7 passphrase=2
C. retry=3 min=disabled, disabled, 2, 21, 7
D. retry=3 min=disabled, disabled, 21, 21, 2

Q20. Which Advanced Setting should be created for the vCenter Server to change the expiration policy of the vpxuser
A. VimPasswordExpirationInDays
B. VimExpirationPasswordDays
C. VimPassExpirationInDays
D. VimPasswordRefreshDays


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