# while 条件:
# 循环体的代码1
# 循环体的代码2
# 循环体的代码3
# count=0
# while count < 10:
# print(count)
# count+=1 # while True: #死循环
# print('ok') # while 1: #死循环
# print('ok') #break:跳出本层循环
# count=0
# while count < 10:
# if count == 5:
# break
# print(count)
# count+=1 #continue:跳出本次循环
#0 1 2 3 7 8 9 # count=0
# while count < 10:
# if count >=4 and count <=6:
# count += 1
# continue
# print(count)
# count+=1 # OLDBOY_AGE=56
# while 1:
# age=input('猜一猜年龄>>: ')
# age=int(age)
# if age > OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太大了')
# elif age < OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太小了')
# else:
# print('猜对了')
# break # OLDBOY_AGE=56
# count=1
# while count <= 3:
# age=input('猜一猜年龄>>: ')
# age=int(age)
# if age > OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太大了')
# count+=1
# elif age < OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太小了')
# count+=1
# else:
# print('猜对了')
# break # OLDBOY_AGE=56
# count=1
# while True:
# if count > 3:
# print('您猜的次数超过限制')
# break
# age=input('猜一猜年龄>>: ')
# age=int(age)
# if age > OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太大了')
# elif age < OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太小了')
# else:
# print('猜对了')
# break
# count += 1 # while True:
# score = input('>>: ')
# score = int(score)
# if score >= 90:
# print('A')
# if score >= 80:
# print('B')
# if score >= 70:
# print('C')
# if score >= 60:
# print('D')
# if score < 60:
# print('E') # OLDBOY_AGE=56
# count=0
# while True:
# if count > 2:
# break
# age=input('猜一猜年龄>>: ')
# age=int(age)
# if age > OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太大了')
# if age < OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('太小了')
# if age == OLDBOY_AGE:
# print('猜对了')
# break
# count += 1 补充:
while True:
name=input('please input your name: ')
password=input('please input your password: ') if name == 'egon' and password == '123':
print('login successfull')
while True:
cmd=input('>>: ')
if cmd == 'quit':
break tag=True
while tag:
name=input('please input your name: ')
password=input('please input your password: ') if name == 'egon' and password == '123':
print('login successfull')
while tag:
cmd=input('>>: ')
# if cmd == 'quit':
# tag=False
# continue
# print('====>',cmd) if cmd == 'quit':
print('====>',cmd) count=0
while count < 10:
if count == 3:
print(count) count+=1
else: #最后执行
print('在最后执行,并且只有在while循环没有被break打断的情况下才执行') 优化:
while count < 10:
if count == 3:


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