

  1. Palindrome Partitioning II(hard) ☆
  2. Distinct Subsequences(hard)
  3. Edit Distance (hard)
  4. Interleaving String (hard)
  5. Regular Expression Matching (hard) ★
  6. Wildcard Matching(hard) ★ 大神太牛了
  7. Longest Valid Parentheses (hard)★
  8. Scramble String (hard)★
  9. Maximal Rectangle (hard)★
  10. Unique Binary Search Trees (middle)☆
  11. Minimum Path Sum(easy)
  12. Unique Binary Search Trees II (middle)☆
  13. Unique Binary Search Trees (middle)☆
  14. Unique Path ||(easy)
  15. Unique Path(easy)
  16. triangle(easy)
  17. Decode Ways(medium) 
  18. House Robber & House Robber II(middle)


  1. Restore IP Addresses (middle)
  2. Subsets II (middle) ☆
  3. Word Search (middle)
  4. Permutations (middle)
  5. Permutation Sequence (middle)
  6. Palindrome Partitioniong (middle) (*^__^*)
  7. Gray Code (middle)
  8. Generate Parentheses (middle)☆
  9. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(middle)
  10. Combinations (middle)
  11. Combination Sum III(middle)


  1. Sort Colors(middle)☆
  2. Sort List (middle)
  3. Largest Number ★
  4. Insertion Sort List (middle)
  5. Maximum Gap(hard)★
  6. First Missing Positive(hard) ☆
  7. 题目36 数组中的逆序对


  1. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree (middle)
  2. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (easy)
  3. Remove Nth Node From End of List(easy)
  4. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (middle)
  5. Swap Nodes in Pairs (middle)
  6. Reverse Nodes in k-Group (hard)☆
  7. Copy List with Random Pointer (hard)
  8. Linked List Cycle II (middle)
  9. Rotate List(middle)
  10. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II (middle)
  11. Merge Two Sorted Lists(easy)
  12. Partition List(middle)
  13. Reverse Linked List II (middle)
  14. Reorder List (middle)
  15. Remove Linked List Elements(easy)
  16. Reverse Linked List(easy)


  1. Repeated DNA Sequences(middle)★
  2. Max Points on a Line(hard)☆
  3. Anagrams (middle)
  4. Minimum Window Substring (hard) ★


  1. 【二叉树遍历】中序
  2. Path Sum I & II(middle)
  3. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node I & II(middle)
  4. Binary Tree Right Side View(middle)
  5. Same Tree(easy)
  6. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (medium)
  7. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (hard) ☆
  8. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (easy)
  9. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (easy)
  10. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (middle)★
  11. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(hard)
  12. Binary Search Tree Iterator(middle)
  13. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (middle)
  14. Validate Binary Search Tree(middle)
  15. Balanced Binary Tree(middle)
  16. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal I & II
  17. 【leetcode】Symmetric Tree


  1. Set Matrix Zeroes(middle)
  2. Spiral Matrix(middle)
  3. Spiral Matrix II (middle)
  4. Search in Rotated Sorted Array (hard)
  5. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II(middle)☆
  6. Search for a Range(middle)
  7. search Insert Position(middle)
  8. Rotate Image(middle)
  9. Remove Element (easy)
  10. Merge Intervals(hard)
  11. Jump Game I & II (hard)
  12. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array I & II (middle)
  13. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array I & II(middle)
  14. Pascal's Triangle I & II (middle)
  15. Longest Consecutive Sequence(hard)☆
  16. Text Justification(hard) ☆
  17. Next Permutation(middle)
  18. First Missing Positive(hard) ☆
  19. 题目20 顺时针打印矩阵


  1. Number of 1 Bits (easy)
  2. Reverse Bits(middle)
  3. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range(middle)
  4. Single Number II (medium) ★ 自己没做出来....
  5. Single Number (Medium) ☆


  1. Surrounded Regions(middle)☆
  2. Number of Islands(middle)
  3. Word Search II(hard)★
  4. Course Schedule(middle)☆


  1. Compare Version Numbers(middle)
  2. Excel Sheet Column Title & Excel Sheet Column Number (easy)
  3. Reverse Words in a String(hard)☆
  4. Substring with Concatenation of All Words (hard) ★
  5. atoi (hard) ★
  6. Count and Say (easy)
  7. Isomorphic Strings(easy)
  8. Integer to Roman & Roman to Integer(easy)
  9. Implement strStr() (easy)
  10. Shortest Palindrome(hard)★


  1. Minimum Size Subarray Sum(middle)


  1. Insert Interval(hard)★


  1. Kth Largest Element in an Array (middle)☆


  1. Candy(hard) 自己做出来了 但别人的更好
  2. Search a 2D Matrix (easy)
  3. 3Sum (medium)
  4. Subsets (Medium) ☆
  5. Plus One (easy)
  6. Climbing Stairs (easy)
  7. Best Time to Buy and Sell 3 (hard) 自己做出来了 但别人的更好
  8. Best Time to Buy and Sell 2(too easy)
  9. Best Time to Buy and Sell (easy)
  10. Valid Sudoku (easy)
  11. Two Sum (easy)
  12. length of last word (easy)
  13. Reverse Integer(middle)☆
  14. Factorial Trailing Zeroes(easy)
  15. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation(middle)
  16. Min Stack(easy)
  17. LRU Cache(hard)★
  18. Happy Number(easy)
  19. Count Primes(easy)


  1. [目录][Leetcode] Leetcode 题解索引

    之前想边做题边写结题报告,发现有点力不从心,而且很多地方也是一知半解,现在重新做题,重新理解.这篇文章主要起一个目录的作用. 目前没有什么特定的顺序,基本都是看心情翻牌的,哈哈~ 我在Github上新 ...

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