
The complete list of keyboard shortcuts for UiPath Studio:

File Management

Ctrl + Shift + N - Creates a new Blank Process.

Ctrl + O - Enables you to open a previously created workflow, either the .xaml or project.json file.

Ctrl + L - Opens the folder where the Log files are stored.

Ctrl + S - Saves the currently opened workflow.

Ctrl + Shift + S - Saves all the workflows that are currently open.

Ctrl + Tab - Moves focus between workflows opened in the Designer panel. Upon pressing the shortcut, the following window appears, allowing you to select between active files and panels in Studio.


Ctrl + D - Ignores the activity that is currently selected by placing it into a Comment Out container.

Ctrl + E - Removes the activity from the Comment Out container it was placed in.


F7 - Runs the currently opened workflow in debug mode.

F8 - Checks the currently opened workflow for validation errors.

F9 - Marks the selected activity with a breakpoint.

Shift + F9 - Removes all the breakpoints in the currently opened workflow.

F11 - When debugging, enables you to step into a block of activities and executes the first one.

Shift + F11 - When debugging, steps over the execution of a block of activities in the currently selected workflow.


Alt + Ctrl + W - Opens the Web Recording toolbar.

Alt + Ctrl + B - Opens the Basic Recording toolbar.

Alt + Ctrl + C - Opens the Citrix Recording toolbar.

Alt + Ctrl + D - Opens the Desktop Recording toolbar.

F2 - Adds delay during a recording activity.

F3 - Lets you specify a custom recording region.

F4 - Lets you choose the UI Framework to record, which can be Default, AA, and UIA.

Workflow Execution

F5 - Runs the workflow that is currently open.

Pause - Pauses the execution of the current workflow, in both normal and debug mode.

F12 - Stops the execution of the current workflow, in both normal and debug mode.

Selected Activity

Ctrl + T - Places the activity inside the Try section of a Try Catch activity.

Ctrl + N - Creates a new Sequence Diagram in the current project.

Ctrl + C - Copies the selected activity or activities to the clipboard.

Ctrl + V - Pastes the copied activity or activities inside the selected item.

Ctrl + K - Creates an variable of the same type as the required type of the activity.

Ctrl + M - Creates an In argument of the same type as the required type of the activity.

Ctrl + Shift + M - Creates an Out argument of the same type as the required type of the activity.

Ctrl + Space - Opens the IntelliPrompt window.


F1 - Enables you to access a help topic associated with the currently selected element.

Ctrl + Alt + F - Sets the focus to the search box in the Activities panel to search for an activity.

Ctrl + P - Opens the Manage Packages window.

Esc - Closes the Publish, Manage Packages, File Diff windows.

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