
  4 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
  6 .我爱你....为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切---包括你。
  7. 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。
  10. 爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。
  11. 你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。
  13.就当我是首偶尔飘过你耳畔的诗,不贯穿你的生命,却给你一生祝福; 就当我是场昨日淋漓的雨,不给你永远却给你瞬间美丽。

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<h1 align="center">易生的友情提示:请点击心形</h1>
<audio autoplay="autopaly">
<source src="Two Steps From Hell - Victory.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
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<div id="code"> <font color="#FF0000" size="5"> --十年寒窗苦,一朝成名耀,金榜题名日,蟾宫折桂时。<span class="say"></span><br>
<span class="say"> --用汗水织就实力,用毅力成就梦想,用拼搏铸就辉煌。</span><br>
<span class="say"> --用拼搏的汗水灌注无悔的高三路。考前不怕,考后不悔</span><br>
<span class="say"></span>--三年苦读磨一剑,气定神闲战犹酣。势如破竹捣黄龙, 千帆竞发齐凯旋。<br>
<span class="say">--在最美的年龄遇见最美的你们 </span><br>
<span class="say">--高考加油-- </span><br>
<span class="say"><span class="space"></span> -- 易生--</span> </font>
<span class="say"> </span><br>
<div id="clock-box"> <span class="STYLE1"></span><font color="#33CC00"> 认识你</font> <span class="STYLE1">已经是</span>
<div id="clock"></div>
<canvas id="canvas" width="1100" height="680"></canvas>
var canvas = $('#canvas'); if (!canvas[0].getContext) {
return false; } var width = canvas.width();
var height = canvas.height();
canvas.attr("width", width);
canvas.attr("height", height);
var opts = {
seed: {
x: width / 2 - 20,
color: "rgb(190, 26, 37)",
scale: 2
branch: [
[535, 680, 570, 250, 500, 200, 30, 100, [
[540, 500, 455, 417, 340, 400, 13, 100, [
[450, 435, 434, 430, 394, 395, 2, 40]
[550, 445, 600, 356, 680, 345, 12, 100, [
[578, 400, 648, 409, 661, 426, 3, 80]
[539, 281, 537, 248, 534, 217, 3, 40],
[546, 397, 413, 247, 328, 244, 9, 80, [
[427, 286, 383, 253, 371, 205, 2, 40],
[498, 345, 435, 315, 395, 330, 4, 60]
[546, 357, 608, 252, 678, 221, 6, 100, [
[590, 293, 646, 277, 648, 271, 2, 80]
bloom: {
num: 700,
width: 1080,
height: 650,
footer: {
width: 1200,
height: 5,
speed: 10,
} var tree = new Tree(canvas[0], width, height, opts);
var seed = tree.seed;
var foot = tree.footer;
var hold = 1; canvas.click(function(e) {
var offset = canvas.offset(), x, y;
x = e.pageX - offset.left;
y = e.pageY - offset.top;
if (seed.hover(x, y)) {
hold = 0;
var offset = canvas.offset(), x, y;
x = e.pageX - offset.left;
y = e.pageY - offset.top;
canvas.toggleClass('hand', seed.hover(x, y));
}); var seedAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
while (hold) {
while (seed.canScale()) {
while (seed.canMove()) {
seed.move(0, 2);
})); var growAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
do {
} while (tree.canGrow());
})); var flowAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
do {
} while (tree.canFlower());
})); var moveAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
tree.snapshot("p1", 240, 0, 610, 680);
while (tree.move("p1", 500, 0)) {
tree.snapshot("p2", 500, 0, 610, 680); // 会有闪烁不得意这样做, (>﹏<)
canvas.parent().css("background", "url(" + tree.toDataURL('image/png') + ")");
canvas.css("background", "#ffe");
canvas.css("background", "none");
})); var jumpAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
var ctx = tree.ctx;
while (true) {
tree.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
})); var textAnimate = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
var together = new Date();
together.setFullYear(2013,9 , 1); //时间年月日
together.setHours(16); //小时
together.setMinutes(53); //分钟
together.setSeconds(0); //秒前一位
together.setMilliseconds(2); //秒第二位 $("#code").show().typewriter();
while (true) {
})); var runAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("async", function () {
$await(moveAnimate()); textAnimate().start(); $await(jumpAnimate());
})); runAsync().start();
</script> </body>


a {color:#000;font-size:14px;}
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#clock .digit {font-size:64px;}
#canvas{margin:0 auto;width:1100px;height:680px;}
#error{margin:0 auto;text-align:center;margin-top:60px;display:none;}

javaScript代码 love.js


    function random(min, max) {
return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
} function bezier(cp, t) {
var p1 = cp[0].mul((1 - t) * (1 - t));
var p2 = cp[1].mul(2 * t * (1 - t));
var p3 = cp[2].mul(t * t);
return p1.add(p2).add(p3);
} function inheart(x, y, r) {
// x^2+(y-(x^2)^(1/3))^2 = 1
// http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x%5E2%2B%28y-%28x%5E2%29%5E%281%2F3%29%29%5E2+%3D+1
var z = ((x / r) * (x / r) + (y / r) * (y / r) - 1) * ((x / r) * (x / r) + (y / r) * (y / r) - 1) * ((x / r) * (x / r) + (y / r) * (y / r) - 1) - (x / r) * (x / r) * (y / r) * (y / r) * (y / r);
return z < 0;
} Point = function(x, y) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
Point.prototype = {
clone: function() {
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
add: function(o) {
p = this.clone();
p.x += o.x;
p.y += o.y;
return p;
sub: function(o) {
p = this.clone();
p.x -= o.x;
p.y -= o.y;
return p;
div: function(n) {
p = this.clone();
p.x /= n;
p.y /= n;
return p;
mul: function(n) {
p = this.clone();
p.x *= n;
p.y *= n;
return p;
} Heart = function() {
// x = 16 sin^3 t
// y = 13 cos t - 5 cos 2t - 2 cos 3t - cos 4t
// http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x+%3D+16+sin%5E3+t%2C+y+%3D+(13+cos+t+-+5+cos+2t+-+2+cos+3t+-+cos+4t)
var points = [], x, y, t;
for (var i = 10; i < 30; i += 0.2) {
t = i / Math.PI;
x = 16 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3);
y = 13 * Math.cos(t) - 5 * Math.cos(2 * t) - 2 * Math.cos(3 * t) - Math.cos(4 * t);
points.push(new Point(x, y));
this.points = points;
this.length = points.length;
Heart.prototype = {
get: function(i, scale) {
return this.points[i].mul(scale || 1);
} Seed = function(tree, point, scale, color) {
this.tree = tree; var scale = scale || 1
var color = color || '#FF0000'; this.heart = {
point : point,
scale : scale,
color : color,
figure : new Heart(),
} this.cirle = {
point : point,
scale : scale,
color : color,
radius : 5,
Seed.prototype = {
draw: function() {
addPosition: function(x, y) {
this.cirle.point = this.cirle.point.add(new Point(x, y));
canMove: function() {
return this.cirle.point.y < (this.tree.height + 20);
move: function(x, y) {
this.addPosition(x, y);
canScale: function() {
return this.heart.scale > 0.2;
setHeartScale: function(scale) {
this.heart.scale *= scale;
scale: function(scale) {
drawHeart: function() {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx, heart = this.heart;
var point = heart.point, color = heart.color,
scale = heart.scale;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.translate(point.x, point.y);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < heart.figure.length; i++) {
var p = heart.figure.get(i, scale);
ctx.lineTo(p.x, -p.y);
drawCirle: function() {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx, cirle = this.cirle;
var point = cirle.point, color = cirle.color,
scale = cirle.scale, radius = cirle.radius;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.translate(point.x, point.y);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
drawText: function() {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx, heart = this.heart;
var point = heart.point, color = heart.color,
scale = heart.scale;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.translate(point.x, point.y);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(15, 15);
ctx.lineTo(60, 15);
ctx.stroke(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.scale(0.75, 0.75);
ctx.font = "12px 微软雅黑,Verdana"; // 字号肿么没有用? (ˉ(∞)ˉ)
ctx.fillText("Come Baby", 23, 10);
clear: function() {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx, cirle = this.cirle;
var point = cirle.point, scale = cirle.scale, radius = 26;
var w = h = (radius * scale);
ctx.clearRect(point.x - w, point.y - h, 4 * w, 4 * h);
hover: function(x, y) {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx;
var pixel = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1);
return pixel.data[3] == 255
} Footer = function(tree, width, height, speed) {
this.tree = tree;
this.point = new Point(tree.seed.heart.point.x, tree.height - height / 2);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.speed = speed || 2;
this.length = 0;
Footer.prototype = {
draw: function() {
var ctx = this.tree.ctx, point = this.point;
var len = this.length / 2; ctx.save();
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(35, 31, 32)';
ctx.lineWidth = this.height;
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.translate(point.x, point.y);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(len, 0);
ctx.lineTo(-len, 0);
ctx.restore(); if (this.length < this.width) {
this.length += this.speed;
} Tree = function(canvas, width, height, opt) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.opt = opt || {}; this.record = {}; this.initSeed();
Tree.prototype = {
initSeed: function() {
var seed = this.opt.seed || {};
var x = seed.x || this.width / 2;
var y = seed.y || this.height / 2;
var point = new Point(x, y);
var color = seed.color || '#FF0000';
var scale = seed.scale || 1; this.seed = new Seed(this, point, scale, color);
}, initFooter: function() {
var footer = this.opt.footer || {};
var width = footer.width || this.width;
var height = footer.height || 5;
var speed = footer.speed || 2;
this.footer = new Footer(this, width, height, speed);
}, initBranch: function() {
var branchs = this.opt.branch || []
this.branchs = [];
}, initBloom: function() {
var bloom = this.opt.bloom || {};
var cache = [],
num = bloom.num || 500,
width = bloom.width || this.width,
height = bloom.height || this.height,
figure = this.seed.heart.figure;
var r = 240, x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
cache.push(this.createBloom(width, height, r, figure));
this.blooms = [];
this.bloomsCache = cache;
}, toDataURL: function(type) {
return this.canvas.toDataURL(type);
}, draw: function(k) {
var s = this, ctx = s.ctx;
var rec = s.record[k];
if (!rec) {
return ;
var point = rec.point,
image = rec.image; ctx.save();
ctx.putImageData(image, point.x, point.y);
}, addBranch: function(branch) {
}, addBranchs: function(branchs){
var s = this, b, p1, p2, p3, r, l, c;
for (var i = 0; i < branchs.length; i++) {
b = branchs[i];
p1 = new Point(b[0], b[1]);
p2 = new Point(b[2], b[3]);
p3 = new Point(b[4], b[5]);
r = b[6];
l = b[7];
c = b[8]
s.addBranch(new Branch(s, p1, p2, p3, r, l, c));
}, removeBranch: function(branch) {
var branchs = this.branchs;
for (var i = 0; i < branchs.length; i++) {
if (branchs[i] === branch) {
branchs.splice(i, 1);
}, canGrow: function() {
return !!this.branchs.length;
grow: function() {
var branchs = this.branchs;
for (var i = 0; i < branchs.length; i++) {
var branch = branchs[i];
if (branch) {
}, addBloom: function (bloom) {
}, removeBloom: function (bloom) {
var blooms = this.blooms;
for (var i = 0; i < blooms.length; i++) {
if (blooms[i] === bloom) {
blooms.splice(i, 1);
}, createBloom: function(width, height, radius, figure, color, alpha, angle, scale, place, speed) {
var x, y;
while (true) {
x = random(20, width - 20);
y = random(20, height - 20);
if (inheart(x - width / 2, height - (height - 40) / 2 - y, radius)) {
return new Bloom(this, new Point(x, y), figure, color, alpha, angle, scale, place, speed);
}, canFlower: function() {
return !!this.blooms.length;
flower: function(num) {
var s = this, blooms = s.bloomsCache.splice(0, num);
for (var i = 0; i < blooms.length; i++) {
blooms = s.blooms;
for (var j = 0; j < blooms.length; j++) {
}, snapshot: function(k, x, y, width, height) {
var ctx = this.ctx;
var image = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height);
this.record[k] = {
image: image,
point: new Point(x, y),
width: width,
height: height
setSpeed: function(k, speed) {
this.record[k || "move"].speed = speed;
move: function(k, x, y) {
var s = this, ctx = s.ctx;
var rec = s.record[k || "move"];
var point = rec.point,
image = rec.image,
speed = rec.speed || 10,
width = rec.width,
height = rec.height; i = point.x + speed < x ? point.x + speed : x;
j = point.y + speed < y ? point.y + speed : y; ctx.save();
ctx.clearRect(point.x, point.y, width, height);
ctx.putImageData(image, i, j);
ctx.restore(); rec.point = new Point(i, j);
rec.speed = speed * 0.95; if (rec.speed < 2) {
rec.speed = 2;
return i < x || j < y;
}, jump: function() {
var s = this, blooms = s.blooms;
if (blooms.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < blooms.length; i++) {
if ((blooms.length && blooms.length < 3) || !blooms.length) {
var bloom = this.opt.bloom || {},
width = bloom.width || this.width,
height = bloom.height || this.height,
figure = this.seed.heart.figure;
var r = 240, x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < random(1,2); i++) {
blooms.push(this.createBloom(width / 2 + width, height, r, figure, null, 1, null, 1, new Point(random(-100,600), 720), random(200,300)));
} Branch = function(tree, point1, point2, point3, radius, length, branchs) {
this.tree = tree;
this.point1 = point1;
this.point2 = point2;
this.point3 = point3;
this.radius = radius;
this.length = length || 100;
this.len = 0;
this.t = 1 / (this.length - 1);
this.branchs = branchs || [];
} Branch.prototype = {
grow: function() {
var s = this, p;
if (s.len <= s.length) {
p = bezier([s.point1, s.point2, s.point3], s.len * s.t);
s.len += 1;
s.radius *= 0.97;
} else {
draw: function(p) {
var s = this;
var ctx = s.tree.ctx;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(35, 31, 32)';
ctx.shadowColor = 'rgb(35, 31, 32)';
ctx.shadowBlur = 2;
ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, s.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
} Bloom = function(tree, point, figure, color, alpha, angle, scale, place, speed) {
this.tree = tree;
this.point = point;
this.color = color || 'rgb(255,' + random(0, 255) + ',' + random(0, 255) + ')';
this.alpha = alpha || random(0.3, 1);
this.angle = angle || random(0, 360);
this.scale = scale || 0.1;
this.place = place;
this.speed = speed; this.figure = figure;
Bloom.prototype = {
setFigure: function(figure) {
this.figure = figure;
flower: function() {
var s = this;
s.scale += 0.1;
if (s.scale > 1) {
draw: function() {
var s = this, ctx = s.tree.ctx, figure = s.figure; ctx.save();
ctx.fillStyle = s.color;
ctx.globalAlpha = s.alpha;
ctx.translate(s.point.x, s.point.y);
ctx.scale(s.scale, s.scale);
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < figure.length; i++) {
var p = figure.get(i);
ctx.lineTo(p.x, -p.y);
jump: function() {
var s = this, height = s.tree.height; if (s.point.x < -20 || s.point.y > height + 20) {
} else {
s.point = s.place.sub(s.point).div(s.speed).add(s.point);
s.angle += 0.05;
s.speed -= 1;
} window.random = random;
window.bezier = bezier;
window.Point = Point;
window.Tree = Tree; })(window);

javaScript 代码 function.html

* http://love.hackerzhou.me
*/ // variables
var $win = $(window);
var clientWidth = $win.width();
var clientHeight = $win.height(); $(window).resize(function() {
var newWidth = $win.width();
var newHeight = $win.height();
if (newWidth != clientWidth && newHeight != clientHeight) {
}); (function($) {
$.fn.typewriter = function() {
this.each(function() {
var $ele = $(this), str = $ele.html(), progress = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function() {
var current = str.substr(progress, 1);
if (current == '<') {
progress = str.indexOf('>', progress) + 1;
} else {
$ele.html(str.substring(0, progress) + (progress & 1 ? '_' : ''));
if (progress >= str.length) {
}, 75);
return this;
})(jQuery); function timeElapse(date){
var current = Date();
var seconds = (Date.parse(current) - Date.parse(date)) / 1000;
var days = Math.floor(seconds / (3600 * 24));
seconds = seconds % (3600 * 24);
var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
if (hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + hours;
seconds = seconds % 3600;
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
seconds = seconds % 60;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
var result = "第 <span class=\"digit\">" + days + "</span> 天 <span class=\"digit\">" + hours + "</span> 小时 <span class=\"digit\">" + minutes + "</span> 分钟 <span class=\"digit\">" + seconds + "</span> 秒";





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如果还想在页面里播放音乐,直接在body标签中加入下面这句就行, src是音乐的位置,要做表白的话,音乐最近自己剪切一下,感觉直接用音乐的高潮部分好一些: <audio id="bgmMusic" src="./当我唱起这首歌.mp3" preload="auto" type="audio/mp3" autoplay="" loop="" src="></audio>

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    Productivity Power Tools 是微软官方推出的 Visual Studio 扩展,被用以提高开发人员生产率.它的出现一定程度上弥补和完善了 Visual Studio 自身的不足, ...

  5. JavaScript资源大全中文版(Awesome最新版)

    Awesome系列的JavaScript资源整理.awesome-javascript是sorrycc发起维护的 JS 资源列表,内容包括:包管理器.加载器.测试框架.运行器.QA.MVC框架和库.模 ...

  6. JavaScript原型OOP——你上车了吗?

    .title-bar { width: 80%; height: 35px; padding-left: 35px; color: white; line-height: 35px; font-siz ...

  7. 推荐15个最好用的 JavaScript 代码压缩工具

    JavaScript 代码压缩是指去除源代码里的所有不必要的字符,而不改变其功能的过程.这些不必要的字符通常包括空格字符,换行字符,注释以及块分隔符等用来增加可读性的代码,但并不需要它来执行. 在这篇 ...

  8. ES6新特性:使用新方法定义javascript的Class

    ES6中定义类的方式, 就是ES3和ES5中定义类的语法糖,虽然也有些区别,但是整体定义类的方式更加简洁,类的继承更加方便, 如果想对ES6中的继承更加熟悉, 最好了解ES5中原型继承的方式, 博客园 ...

  9. 情人节那点事,Power BI告诉你

    情人节伴随着元宵节刚刚过去,Power BI团队就送给我们一份大礼,利用来自NRF(national retail foundation)和Bing搜索的数据,在Power BI中帮助我们发现在美国那 ...


  1. 简述关于ASP.NET MVC与.NET CORE 的区别

    简述关于ASP.NET MVC与.NET CORE的区别1.关于ASP.NET 关于MVC刚开始接触这个技术的时候我经常不理解他们的名字,我相信许多学ASP.NET开发人员开始接触MVC应该也和我一样 ...

  2. hmac模块和hashlib模块

    hmac模块和hashlib模块 一.hash是什么 ​ hash是一种算法(Python3.版本里使用hashlib模块代替了md5模块和sha模块,主要提供 SHA1.SHA224.SHA256. ...

  3. 关于selenium自动化对窗口句柄的处理

    首先什么是句柄?句柄就是你点击一个页面,跳转了一个新的窗口.你要操作的元素可能在原窗口上,也有可能在新窗口上. 看下图句柄1 句柄2 由这2张图可知,url不一样,证明他们是处于不同的界面,我要操作的 ...

  4. unity之游戏特效

    一.运动轨迹 运动轨迹常常用于表现武器的挥舞效果,在提高速度感的同时又能让玩家看清楚招式动作,所以是常见的一种格斗特效. Unity中可以直接使用TrailRender来实现该效果. 二.运动模糊 运 ...

  5. java基础-多线程二

    java基础-多线程二 继承thread和实现Runnable的多线程每次都需要经历创建和销毁的过程,频繁的创建和销毁大大影响效率,线程池的诞生就可以很好的解决这一个问题,线程池可以充分的利用线程进行 ...

  6. 【selenium】- 自动化测试必备工具FireBug&FirePath

    本文由小编根据慕课网视频亲自整理,转载请注明出处和作者. 1. FireBug FireBug的安装: 如果使用Firefox浏览器的话,推荐使用较低版本,比如27-32.否则会报错. 点击右上角的菜 ...

  7. CF 551 E GukiZ and GukiZiana

    https://codeforces.com/contest/551/problem/E 分块真强. 题意就是1.区间加,2.询问整个区间中,最远的两个x的距离. 分块,然后,每次找位子用二分找即可. ...

  8. gulp的介绍和手动安装

    gulp, 前端自动化工具, 文件操作, 项目上线之前,将碎片文件合并,将ES6转成ES5,文件压缩,快速搭建服务器... gulp基于node环境 gulp就是node的一个非内置的小模块 gulp ...

  9. cesium中json,geojson,stk,影像切片等数据的加载

    cesium中json.topojson.geojson.stk,影像切片等数据的加载 一.geojson.topojson,json数据的加载 不管是哪种json,都可以通过GeoJsonDataS ...

  10. Spring Boot2 系列教程(二)创建 Spring Boot 项目的三种方式

    我最早是 2016 年底开始写 Spring Boot 相关的博客,当时使用的版本还是 1.4.x ,文章发表在 CSDN 上,阅读量最大的一篇有 43W+,如下图: 2017 年由于种种原因,就没有 ...