LeetCode_682-Baseball Game
输入[“5”,”2”,”C”,”D”,”+”],输出30。2为无效的数,’D’是5*2,’+’是5*2+5,5+0+10+(10+5)= 30
class Solution {
int calPoints(vector<string>& ops) {
stack<int> stackRes;
for(int i=; i<ops.size(); i++) {
if(ops[i][] == 'C') {
if(!stackRes.empty()) {
else if(ops[i][] == 'D') {
if(!stackRes.empty()) {
int nNum = stackRes.top();
nNum *= ;
else if(ops[i][] == '+') {
if(!stackRes.empty()) {
int nNum = stackRes.top();
int nSum = nNum + stackRes.top();
else {
int nResRum = ;
while(!stackRes.empty()) {
nResRum += stackRes.top();
return nResRum;
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