Title: Criticism for China's child modeling(代指从事模特行业的人) industry after video of 3-year-old being kicked

  criticism n.批评,批判

  industry n.工业; 产业(经济词汇); 工业界; 勤劳;

  kick vt.踢

China’s growing child modeling industry(行业) is under scrutiny after footage of a 3-year-old being kicked by her mother was widely circulated online.

  scrutiny n.仔细审查     under scrutiny 接受到审查

  footage n.(尤指表现一个事件的)一段影片,片段 [不可数]

    old film footage of the moon landing 关于登月的老片段影片

  circulate v.(使)散步,传播;(使液体,气体)流通,传送


According to China Daily《中国日报》, a state-run(国营的,官方的) newspaper(报纸), the video was filmed Monday in the eastern(东方的) city of Hangzhou, where the girl was modeling(vt.当模特展示服装,可以直接接展示的衣服) outfits for online retailers. It drew outrage on Weibo, a Chinese social media site, where(指微博) one of the topic pages about the incident(事件,事变) had been viewed more than 610 million times by Thursday(周四) evening.

  filmed n.复有薄膜的;电影录音的; v. 拍摄

  outfit n.(为特定场合或活动而穿的)全套服装,装束  a wedding outfit 婚礼礼服

  retailer n.零售商,零售店;传播的人,处散布闲话的人;

  outrage n.愤慨,义愤

    释义: a strong feeling of shock and anger


The child modeling industry is growing in China, with an increase in runway shows, pageants and modeling classes for children whose work can provide their families significant(可观的) income. Parents say they enroll their children in part to help them develop self-confidence, Sixth Tone(第六声), an English-language Chinese media outlet, reported in 2017. But according to local(指中国国内) news reports, when children tire of posing, changing outfits repeatedly and hustling from location to location, it is not uncommon for parents to raise their voices or even use corporal punishment.

  runway n.(机场)跑道;(时装表演)台道,T台

  pageant n.(女子的)选美竞赛

  significant adj.重要的;有意义的;有重大意义的; 值得注意的; n.有意义的事物; 象征,标志;

  enroll v.(使)加入;注册;招(生)

    A enroll B   A 帮 B 报名

    eg. A enrolled in dtama school  A 帮自己报了戏剧学校

  in part 部分地,在一定程度上的  partly; to some extent

  outlet n.出口;商店,分销店  media outlet 媒体门户

  tire of 对…感到厌烦  同义词 => be tired of

    tire v.感到疲劳

      eg. She began to tire   tire的主语可以是人,也可以是物  

         The work tired her

  repeatedly adv.反复地,重复地;再三地; 屡次地; 不停地;

  hustle v.极速前进,奔忙   hustle n. 指忙碌/奔忙的状态

    hustle and bustle  熙熙攘攘,奔波

  uncommon adj. 罕见的; 不寻常的; 非凡的,杰出的; 非常接近的;

  corporal punishment <固>(尤指对孩子的)体罚  corporal adj. 与身体有关的

Chinese law forbids(禁止) companies(公司) from hiring children younger than 16, but child models are usually paid in cash(以现金支付) and do not sign(签) formal contracts.

  hiring n.雇用,租赁; adj.雇用的,租赁的; v. 雇用; 录用; 租用; 聘用( hire的现在分词 );

  formal adj.正式的,合规的

  contract n. 契约,合同,协议

In response(回应) to the video, more than 110 children’s retailers on the e-commerce platform(平台) Taobao said they would scale back the use of child models and called for more regulatory protections in the shooting(拍摄) process.

  e-commerce 电子商务(e = electrionic)

  scale back 缩减,缩小  scale v.缩小或放大

    同义词 => scale down 缩减,缩小

  regulatory adj.调整的;监管的,具有监管权的

  protections 复数形式时,一般指保护国民权利的法律或措施

  shoot n.拍摄; 射击; 发芽; vt.拍摄; (用枪等) 打猎; 给…注射; 射门,投篮

“By employing little ones(指小孩子), we intended to show the delight(快乐,高兴) that children’s clothing brings and to pass that on to even more children, ” they said in a joint statement. “But if children are hurt in the process of being photographed(拍照), this completely goes against the original intent.”

  pass sth on to sb 把某物传递给某人

  go against the original intent 某事违背了初心  

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