npm babel src/index.js -d lib
二、@babel/core @babel/cli
@babel/core 转换语法核心
@babel/cli 执行脚本
npm install --save @babel/polyfill
The @babel/polyfill module includes core-js and a custom regenerator runtime to emulate a full ES2015+ environment.
This means you can use new built-ins like Promise
or WeakMap
, static methods like Array.from
or Object.assign
, instance methods like Array.prototype.includes
, and generator functions (provided you use the regenerator plugin). The polyfill adds to the global scope as well as native prototypes like String
in order to do this.
For library/tool authors this may be too much. If you don't need the instance methods like Array.prototype.includes
you can do without polluting the global scope altogether by using the transform runtime plugin instead of @babel/polyfill
To go one step further, if you know exactly what features you need polyfills for, you can require them directly from core-js.
Now luckily for us, we're using the env
preset which has a "useBuiltIns"
option that when set to "usage"
will practically apply the last optimization mentioned above where you only include the polyfills you need. With this new option the configuration changes like this:
If we weren't using the env
preset with the "useBuiltIns"
option set to "usage"
we would've had to require the full polyfill only once in our entry point before any other code.
We have separated out Babel's helpers from it's "polyfilling" behavior in runtime. More details in the PR.
now only contains the helpers, and if you need core-js
you can use @babel/runtime-corejs2
and the option provided in the transform. For both you still need the @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
This PR splits our setup into two separate runtimes:
'plugins': [
with npm install --save @babel/runtime that just includes our helpers, and relies on users to globally polyfill any APIs they need.
'plugins': [
['transform-runtime', { corejs: 2 }],
with npm install --save @babel/runtime-corejs2 that includes everything @babel/runtime does, but also includes a passthrough API for corejs@2.x and rewrites all of the helper modules to reference core-js.
is a library that contain's Babel modular runtime helpers and a version of regenerator-runtime
is a library that contain's Babel modular runtime helpers and a version of regenerator-runtime
as well as core-js
Difference from @babel/runtime
This can be used instead of a polyfill for any non-instance methods. It will replace things like Promise
or Symbol
with the library functions in core-js
- Plugins run before Presets.
- Plugin ordering is first to last.
- Preset ordering is reversed (last to first).
{ "plugins": ["pluginA", ["pluginA"], ["pluginA", {}]] }
- Stage 0 - Strawman: just an idea, possible Babel plugin.
- Stage 1 - Proposal: this is worth working on.
- Stage 2 - Draft: initial spec.
- Stage 3 - Candidate: complete spec and initial browser implementations.
- Stage 4 - Finished: will be added to the next yearly release.
{ "presets": [ "presetA", ["presetA"], ["presetA", {}], ] }
- babel presets stage-x
在一些新框架的代码中,常基于es6/7标准来书写代码.鉴于这些标准被没有被浏览器广泛支持,我们一般使用babel来将使用e6/7标准书写的代码降级编译(或者说转译)为浏览器可解析的es4/5代码. 以 ...
- ES6转换器之Babel
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