GitHub Extension for Visual Studio 2.0 is now available

We're pleased to announce that version 2.0 of the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio is now available. You can install it directly from the Tools and Extensions gallery in Visual Studio, as well as from our releases page and our website.

This release allows you to list your existing pull requests and create new ones directly from Visual Studio. You can also create gists directly from your code, making it even easier to share your code and collaborate. It also includes a slew of other enhancements and fixes, available in ourrelease notes.

As we focus our efforts on building workflows targeted towards maintainers and contributors, we'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve our tools. Let us know what works and what doesn't and how to make your coding and collaboration workflows easier.

The GitHub Extension for Visual Studio provides GitHub integration in Visual Studio 2015. Most of the extension UI lives in the Team Explorer pane, which is available from the View menu.

Official builds of this extension are available at the official website.


Installing beta versions

Older and pre-release/beta/untested versions are available at the releases page, and also via a custom gallery feed for Visual Studio.

You can configure the gallery by going to Tools / Options / Extensions and Updates and adding a new gallery with the url The gallery will now be available from Tools / Extensions and Updates.

Beta releases will have (beta) in their title in the gallery, following the version number. You can view the release notes in the gallery by hovering over the description, or by clicking the Release Notes link on the right side.

Build requirements

  • Visual Studio 2015
  • Visual Studio SDK


Clone the repository and its submodules in a git GUI client or via the command line:

git clone
cd VisualStudio
git submodule init
git submodule deinit script
git submodule update

Open the GitHubVS.sln solution with Visual Studio 2015. To be able to use the GitHub API, you'll need to:


Visit the Contributor Guidelines for details on how to contribute as well as the Open Code of Conduct for details on how to participate.


Copyright 2015 - 2016 GitHub, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License

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