It was not possible to complete an automatic installation. This might be due to a problem with your network, proxy servers or an unsolvable installation conflict. At this point, you can continue the installation by manually downloading and installing the independent pieces. The list below shows each component that you need to install.
Java JDK

Download the Java JDK v1.6.0 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

It is very important to install the 32-bit version of Java JDK even if you're using 64-bit Windows. It is also important that Java JDK v1.6 is installed (although it is fine to have Java JDK 1.7 or newer installed at the same time)

Android SDK

Download the Android SDK for Windows version 22.0.0 to any directory on your disk and double-click it to start main SDK installation process. You can install the SDK either system wide or only for your account. You will need to point your IDE to that location after the installation is completed.

Click here in order to start the Android SDK Manager application. In the GUI make sure the following components are installed or selected for installation:

  • Android SDK Tools
  • Android SDK Platform-tools
  • Android SDK Build-tools
  • Android API 7
  • Android API 8
  • Android API 10
  • Android API 12
  • Android API 14

Once all the required components are selected (you can select others as well, if you wish) start the installation. Click here to open target dir

Download the Android NDK for Windows version r8d to any directory on your disk and double-click it to start the NDK installation.

When the Android SDK installation is finished you might want to start the Android Emulator Manager and create as many emulator images as you might need for your development. This step can be performed at any time, on an as-needed basis.


Download the GTK# v2.12.25 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

Xamarin Studio

Download the Xamarin Studio v5.6.2 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.


Download the Xamarin v3.9.65 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.

After installation, restart your Windows workstation to make sure all of the installed system services are running.

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