




package de.unihd.dbs.uima.annotator.heideltime.resources;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern; /**
* Implements a HashMap extended with regular expression keys and caching functionality.
* @author Julian Zell
public class RegexHashMap<T> implements Map<String, T> { private HashMap<String, T> container = new HashMap<String, T>();
private HashMap<String, T> cache = new HashMap<String, T>(); /**
* clears both the container and the cache hashmaps
public void clear() {
} /**
* checks whether the cache or container contain a specific key, then evaluates the
* container's keys as regexes and checks whether they match the specific key.
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
// the key is a direct hit from our cache
return true;
// the key is a direct hit from our hashmap
return true; // check if the requested key is a matching string of a regex key from our container
Iterator<String> regexKeys = container.keySet().iterator();
while(regexKeys.hasNext()) {
if(Pattern.matches(, (String) key))
return true;
} // if the three previous tests yield no result, the key does not exist
return false;
} /**
* checks whether a specific value is container within either container or cache
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
// the value is a direct hit from our cache
return true;
// the value is a direct hit from our hashmap
return true; // otherwise, the value isn't within this object
return false;
} /**
* returns a merged entryset containing within both the container and cache entrysets
public Set<Entry<String, T>> entrySet() {
// prepare the container
HashSet<Entry<String, T>> set = new HashSet<Entry<String, T>>();
// add the set from our container
// add the set from our cache
set.addAll(cache.entrySet()); return set;
} /**
* checks whether the requested key has a direct match in either cache or container, and if it
* doesn't, also evaluates the container's keyset as regexes to match against the input key and
* if any of those methods yield a value, returns that value
* if a value is found doing regex evaluation, use that regex-key's match as a non-regex
* key with the regex's value to form a new entry in the cache.
public T get(Object key) {
// output for requested key null is the value null; normal Map behavior
if(key == null) return null; T result = null;
if((result = cache.get(key)) != null) {
// if the requested key maps to a value in the cache
return result;
} else if((result = container.get(key)) != null) {
// if the requested key maps to a value in the container
return result;
} else {
// check if the requested key is a matching string of a regex key from our container
Iterator<Entry<String, T>> regexKeys = container.entrySet().iterator();
while(regexKeys.hasNext()) {
// prepare current entry
Entry<String, T> entry =;
// check if the key is a regex matching the input key
if(Pattern.matches(entry.getKey(), (String) key)) {
putCache((String) key, entry.getValue());
return entry.getValue();
} // no value for the given key was found in any of container/cache/regexkey-container
return null;
} /**
* checks whether both container and cache are empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
return container.isEmpty() && cache.isEmpty();
} /**
* returns the keysets of both the container and cache hashmaps
public Set<String> keySet() {
// prepare container
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
// add container keys
// add cache keys
set.addAll(cache.keySet()); return set;
} /**
* associates a key with a value in the container hashmap
public T put(String key, T value) {
return container.put(key, value);
} /**
* associates a key with a value in the cache hashmap.
* @param key Key to map from
* @param value Value to map to
* @return previous value associated with the key, or null if unassociated before
public T putCache(String key, T value) {
return cache.put(key, value);
} /**
* adds a map to the container
public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends T> m) {
} /**
* removes a specific key's association from the container
public T remove(Object key) {
return container.remove(key);
} /**
* returns the combined size of container and cache
public int size() {
return container.size() + cache.size();
} /**
* returns the combined collection of both the values of the container as well as
* the cache.
public Collection<T> values() {
// prepare set
HashSet<T> set = new HashSet<T>();
// add all container values
// add all cache values
set.addAll(cache.values()); return set;


package org.apache.regexp.collections;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.regexp.RE;
import org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException; /**
* This map implementation uses a hashmap as the underlying storage.
* Note that the keySet() method will return a set of regular expressions rather than actual keys.
* The put() method uses a regexp as a key.
* The get() method gets any value that matches one of the regexps. If there is more than one matching regexp, the first one
* encountered is returned - and hence could be indeterminate!
* @author Manik Surtani
public class RegexpKeyedMap extends HashMap
public Object put(Object key, Object value)
if (key instanceof String)
return super.put(key, value);
throw new RuntimeException("RegexpKeyedMap - only accepts Strings as keys.");
} /**
* The key passed in should always be a String. The map will return the first element whose key, treated as a regular expression, matches the key passed in
* NOTE: It is possible for this map to have more than one return value, for example, if a key is passed into get() which matches more than one regexp.
* E.g., consider the following keys in the map - '[A-Za-z]*' and 'Hello'. Passing in 'Hello' as a key to the get() method would match either of the regexps,
* and whichever apears first in the map (which is indeterminate) will be returned.
public Object get(Object key)
Iterator regexps = keySet().iterator();
String keyString;
Object result = null; String stringToMatch = cleanKey( key ); while (regexps.hasNext())
keyString =;
RE regexp = new RE(keyString);
if (regexp.match(stringToMatch))
result = super.get(keyString);
catch (RESyntaxException e)
// invalid regexp. ignore?
return result;
} /**
* Strip any 'dirty' chars from the key we are searching for,
* otherwise we end up with funny results from the RE
* @param obj
* @return
private String cleanKey( Object obj )
String retVal = obj.toString(); // remove any '^' from start of key - prevents the RE from matching !?!?
return ( retVal.charAt(0) == '^' ) ? retVal.substring(1) : retVal;
} }


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