一.not only in CodeBlocks 13.12

Undo last action Ctrl + Z //后退

Redo last action Ctrl + Shift + Z //前进

Cut selected text Ctrl + X //剪切

Copy selected text Ctrl + C

Paste text from clipboard Ctrl + V

Select all text Ctrl + A //全选

Swap header / source F11 //新建头文件

Comment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + C //注释行

Uncomment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + X //取消注释

Duplicate line caret is on Ctrl + D //整行复制

Auto-complete / Abbreviations Ctrl + Space / Ctrl + J //自动补全

Show call tip Ctrl + Shift + Space

Swap line caret is on with line above it Ctrl + T //交换行

Toggle bookmark Ctrl + B //标记

Goto previous bookmark Alt + PgUp //跳到上一个标记

Goto next bookmark Alt + PgDown//跳到下一个标记

Toggle current block folding F12 //折叠当前(括号)

Toggle all folds Shift + F12//全部折叠



Magnify text size. Ctrl + Keypad "+" //放大文本

Reduce text size. Ctrl + Keypad "-" //缩小

Restore text size to normal. Ctrl + Keypad "/" //恢复大小

Cycle through recent files. Ctrl + Tab Indent block. //文件间跳转打开

Tab Dedent block. Shift + Tab//反向缩进

Delete to start of word. Ctrl + BackSpace //整个单词删除

Delete to end of word. Ctrl + Delete

Delete to start of line. Ctrl + Shift + BackSpace //整行删除(从后向前)

Delete to end of line. Ctrl + Shift + Delete //整行删除(从前向后)

Go to start of document. Ctrl + Home

Extend selection to start of document. Ctrl + Shift + Home //跳到开头

Go to start of display line. Alt + Home

Extend selection to start of display line. Alt + Shift + Home //跳到行头

Go to end of document. Ctrl + End  //跳到行尾

Extend selection to end of document. Ctrl + Shift + End

Go to end of display line. Alt + End //跳到行尾

Extend selection to end of display line. Alt + Shift + End

Expand or contract a fold point. Ctrl + Keypad "*"

Create or delete a bookmark. Ctrl + F2

Go to next bookmark. F2

Select to next bookmark. Alt + F2

Find selection. Ctrl + F3

Find selection backwards. Ctrl + Shift + F3

Scroll up. Ctrl + Up //向上滚屏

Scroll down. Ctrl + Down //向下滚屏

Line cut. Ctrl + L //整行剪切

Line copy. Ctrl + Shift + T //行复制

Line delete. Ctrl + Shift + L //行删除

Line transpose with previous. Ctrl + T //交换行(于上)

Line duplicate. Ctrl + D //行重复

Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + K

Select to matching preprocessor conditional. Ctrl + Shift + K

Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + J

Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards. Ctrl + Shift + J

Previous paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + [ //跳到前一个段落

Next paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + ] //跳到下一个段落

Previous word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Left //向左移光标整词跳过

Next word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Right  //向右移光标整词跳过

New file or project Ctrl +shift+ N //新建文件

Open existing file or project Ctrl + O //打开

Save current file Ctrl + S //保存当前

Save all files Ctrl + Shift + S //全部保存

Close current file Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W //关闭当前

Close all files Ctrl + Shift + F4 / Ctrl + Shift + W //全关闭



Show / hide Messages pane F2 //开关下窗口

Show / hide Management pane Shift + F2

Move project up (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Up

Move project down (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Down

Activate prior (in Project tree) Alt + F5

Activate next (in Project tree) Alt + F6

Zoom in / out Ctrl + Roll Mouse Wheel Focus editor CTRL + Alt + E


Find Ctrl + F //查找

Find next F3

Find previous Shift + F3

Find in files Crtl + Shift + F

Replace Ctrl + R //替换

Replace in files Ctrl + Shift + R

Goto line Ctrl + G //跳转

Goto next changed line Ctrl + F3

Goto previous changed line Ctrl + Shift + F3

Goto file Alt + G

Goto function Ctrl + Alt + G

Goto previous function Ctrl + PgUp

Goto next function Ctrl + PgDn

Goto declaration Ctrl + Shift + .

Goto implementation Ctrl + . Open include file Ctrl + Alt + .

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