pyQuery 是 jQuery 在 python 中的实现,能够以 jQuery 的语法来操作解析 HTML 文档,十分方便。使用前需要安装,easy_install pyquery 即可,或者 Ubuntu 下
sudo apt-get install python-pyquery |
from pyquery import PyQuery as pyq |
--------------- my code --------------------
for i in cts:
print '-'*10,pyq(i).find('h4').text()
for j in pyq(i).find('.subtitle'):
print pyq(j).text()
print '\n'
for j in pyq(i).find('.sublist'):
print '\t',pyq(j).text()
print '\n'
You can use the PyQuery class to load an xml document from a string, a lxml document, from a file or from an url:
>>> from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> import urllib
>>> d = pq("<html></html>")
>>> d = pq(etree.fromstring("<html></html>"))
>>> d = pq(url=your_url)
>>> d = pq(url=your_url,
... opener=lambda url, **kw: urlopen(url).read())
>>> d = pq(filename=path_to_html_file)
转换 (Traversing)
- 用字符选择器来进行过滤:
>>> d('p').filter('.hello')
- 也可以对单一元素使用 eq 方法:
>>> d('p').eq(0)
- 用户也可以寻找内嵌元素:
>>> d('p').find('a')
[<a>, <a>]
>>> d('p').eq(1).find('a')
>>> d('p').find('a').end()
[<p#hello.hello>, <p#test>]
>>> d('p').eq(0).end()
[<p#hello.hello>, <p#test>]
>>> d('p').filter(lambda i: i == 1).end()
[<p#hello.hello>, <p#test>]
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