Solution to “VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode” error in Windows 7
I was trying out various virtualization solutions on Windows 7, including Microsoft Virtual PC and VirtualBox. I booted a VM in Virtual PC and felt that it wasn't good enough, so later I installed VirtualBox. But when I was about to launch the VM, I saw this error message:
VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode.
VBox status code: -4011 (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE).
The reason is that there was still a Virtual PC host instance in my memory, which occupied the CPU's VT-X resources. The trivial solution is to have the Windows host a restart, but since I didn't wanna close my other applications, I did some Google-ing for solutions and only found ones for Linux hosts. Nobody has a solution for Windows 7 with Virtual PC.
After that I searched for some Virtual PC-related keywords in Services and Task Manager, and found that the resource owner is the process named vpc.exe . Killing this process solves this problem, and no restart is needed.
By the way, VirtualBox runs Windows XP twice as fast than Virtual PC does.
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