Preorder, Inorder, and Postorder Iteratively Summarization[1]

1.Pre Order Traverse

 public List<Integer> preorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
Deque<TreeNode> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
TreeNode p = root;
while(!stack.isEmpty() || p != null) {
if(p != null) {
result.add(p.val); // Add before going to children
p = p.left;
} else {
TreeNode node = stack.pop();
p = node.right;
return result;

2.In Order Traverse

 public List<Integer> inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
Deque<TreeNode> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
TreeNode p = root;
while(!stack.isEmpty() || p != null) {
if(p != null) {
p = p.left;
} else {
TreeNode node = stack.pop();
result.add(node.val); // Add after all left children
p = node.right;
return result;

3.Post Order Traverse

 public List<Integer> postorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
LinkedList<Integer> result = new LinkedList<>();
Deque<TreeNode> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
TreeNode p = root;
while(!stack.isEmpty() || p != null) {
if(p != null) {
result.addFirst(p.val); // Reverse the process of preorder
p = p.right; // Reverse the process of preorder
} else {
TreeNode node = stack.pop();
p = node.left; // Reverse the process of preorder
return result;

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